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I finished the stupid paper finally, late last night. It's not that it took me long it's that I had no idea what she meant by depth. It took me forever to figure out but I eventually got it. I only have to add the ending where I add my own opinions.

Miss Fairbourne was much calmer and nicer while talking to me one-on-one. She seemed genuinely impressed with my work and it made me feel good. At least I knew I was doing something right.

It's almost 2 am and I'm in my bed going over the paper for the last time. It's driving me insane. I can't seem to understand how to add my own opinions well enough. It's the only thing holding me back.

"I can't do it." I whispered softly and huffed in frustration flopping onto my pillow.

My door slowly opened and my whole body froze. My night lamp is still on and I have worksheets spread out across my bed.


It's my dad. But he looks...normal?

"Hi Letty." He says softly from my door way. The hallway is dark, the only light is from the moon outside.

"Hi." I say nervously.

It's almost 2 am and he's not drunk? Something is up. I mean it's a good thing that he's sober but I know something is up. I just don't know what yet.

"I'm sorry for coming in so late but I can see you're working. First day back been good?" He asks me still standing in the doorway.

"It's was okay, i just have some work to finish." I tell him picking up my pen once again.

"That's good. I wanted to come ask you something?" He says stepping closer to my bed.

"Okay...?" I say sitting up straight.

"I have a friend, his name is Colton." He says cautiously. I look at him wanting him to continue.

"I want to go to rehab. For a month or so. I know I said I was getting better but I'm not sweetheart. I've still been drinking. I want you be a better father for both you and Kinsley. What I do to you doesn't help. It's wrong. I've spoken my COO, he supports me and is willing to still pay me for the months I'm away. Cole and his son would come stay here for a bit. To help you take care of Kinny." He sighs and my eyes well up with tears.

It's so great that he wants to get better for us. But I'd be losing another parent. It sucks that does things to me but he's a good dad. He's great to kinsley and not having him around for a while would cause her to ask more questions and we wouldn't have a parent for a while. Even if it's not forever, I'd be alone.

"That's great dad. I'm happy you want to get better. How long would you go for? Just the month or?" I ask wiping my stray tears away.

"I'm going to do my best to be gone for only a month." He says and I nod at him.

"And Colton and his son would be here for a whole time. I trust him, he's a good man." My dad further explains.

"Okay." I say softly.

"I leave in a few hours. I need to get better for you both sweetheart. You'll explain it as best as you can to Kinsley right?"

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