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"Hi love." Zara said on the other side of the door.

She looked like she had a right to be at my front door. She looked the same as she always did. Her hair was still cut the same, she still had a smile on her face like she did when she saw me. Her hazel eyes still shined like they used to.

A year ago now, I'd be the first to welcome her home. But now, I have a pit in my stomach and even looking at her is making me sick.

I've been having the best ten months of my life without her here, spending four of those ten month with the person who showed me so much love, more than I was ever used to.

"Are you gonna let me in?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Banging at my door at two in the morning." I asked her harshly in a low voice not to wake my girlfriend upstairs.

"I'm coming home." She said with a smile.

"What makes you even think you're welcome here?" I said coldly to her.

"I thought I'd give you a few months to calm down and realise we're us, we're messy and chaotic but we love each other. I mean we would've been married two months today, getting ready to start our little family like we always talked about. A little boy, named Khai and a little girl, Elana, we chose those names together." She said with a smile.

I hate that she was bringing up the life we could've had, the one she destroyed. Zara and I were going to have a family, it made sense to us back then, but then she cheated and honestly I don't even think I want to have kids anymore.

She's ruined that for me entirely.

"I haven't calmed down because you fucked us up. We aren't married, there's no kids and you aren't—"

"Let her in Val." I heard Collette's voice behind me. "She has things to say so let her in." It was subtle but her voice held so much irritation.

I stepped aside and Zara came in. With every step she took into my house I felt like my space was being invaded by an unwanted presence.

"You're still dating her?" She asked sarcastically and it took everything not to slap her right there and then.

I went to speak but Collette spoke before I could. "Yes she is. What are you doing here?" Collette asked as she folded her arms.

I stood beside her because honestly the last thing I want for my present and past to be interacting. So the sooner Zara is out of here, the sooner Collette and I could go back to bed.

"I could ask you the same thing." Zara said.

"I'm wearing vals clothes, have her hair tie around my wrist, what do you think I'm doing here? Take a wild guess." Collette said calmly, this pissed Zara off and I wanted to laugh. But I didn't.

"Just go—" I got cut off by my girlfriend.

"Don't talk." Collette said calmly with an ounce sternness to her voice.

I instantly shut up.

"This is ridiculous, I came here because we're us. Mes—"

"Messy and chaotic, I've heard. Do you know her favourite colour? Or her middle name?" Collette asked. I turned to her confused, why was all this relevant?

"That doesn't mean anything, I love her." Zara said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"If you can tell me her favourite colour or even her middle name, I'll go. I'll never speak to Val again and you guys can get married. I'll back away. Tell me that and I'll leave." She said calmly.

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