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Collette's POV

I would give everything up for Val. In an instant.

Why couldn't I tell her that.

I cried for a long time on her bedroom floor hoping she'd come back.

I held her necklace close to me as I cried for what seemed like the fifth time this week alone.

When I eventually noticed she wasn't coming back, I left. I went home and cried even more.

And on Tuesdays, I fought tooth and nail to stay home. In the end Colton said I could but made me promise to go to school on Wednesday.

And I did. And then Thursday and today. All week I haven't seen Val. She hasn't been in school all week.

I miss her.

Val was right about rumours dying down quickly because by Thursday Afternoon, no one even bat an eyelash when I walked into a room. Almost every teacher was defending Val by saying "she's too much of an upstanding teacher to do that." Or "Valentina wouldn't do that, it makes no sense."

Everyone became too focused on the upcoming basketball game against Holder private school and the after party that was happening Friday evening.

And by that point everyone had silently decided Ally was a bit of a liar, saying she did it all out of jealousy.

I didn't talk to her, I was so angry and hurt that I couldn't bring myself to even look in her direction. No matter how many times she tried to get my attention, I ignored her like a fly on the wall.

But I felt like this wasn't enough. Being in school all week and not seeing Vals face once made me worried.

I miss her so much.

I accept I fucked up by suggesting that. And Zoë made it known I took an easy road. I should've talked to Val and found middle ground on how we can move forward.

I didn't, I chose an easy road because I was covering my own ass. I love her and I fear I may have lost her eternally.

And now, I think I might've.

It's Friday afternoon and Birdie, Zoë  and me are sat on my bed. They both thought I needed one good day so they decided to spend the afternoon at mine.

"Just admit that you fucked up, talk to her, and I mean actually talk, and give her back the necklace." Birdie said.

"I tried telling her the same thing, Letty you always take the hardest route possible. I always tell you, communication with her is key. But you don't talk, you run." Zoë said.

"You could've said it nicer Zoë." Birdie said to her attempting to defend me. But I know no matter what way anyone puts it, she's right.

"I would but that would be sugarcoating shit, I don't sugar coat B." She said.

"She's right to B, that's one thing Val always made clear, she talks. I should've talked with her. I should've fought with her or anything really. I shouldn't have suggested it." I placed my head in my hands in a sigh.

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