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"Right so there is one more thing we need to discuss." Mrs Morris says to me as she takes her seat once again.

I'm back to shaking.

"Your grades have been slipping, Letty. What's happening? You've always been such a straight A student. There's only two classes you're passing. English and physics." She says folding her hands in her lap.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

I know my grades have been slipping. I'm still working hard but I feel like I'm getting tired. It's also not like I'm failing by a large amount, I used to get all A's now I get a few B's and maybe one C. It's not bad.

"Is this because of what's been—"

"Mrs Morris, I'm fine. I think im just tired. I'll get them up again." I cut her short. The last thing I want her to bring up is my home life.

"There are people that can help Letty. Let's try not to let your future slip between your fingers okay?" She spoke softly.

"Okay." I said looking out her window. "Can I go now? I'm getting picked up." I said to her.

"Of course. Have a good rest of your day." She said and I got up and left.

I left the office and went to the parking lot while I waited for Colton to come. He should be here in a few minutes more.

I felt my phone ping in my hand and looked down.

Val ❤️
Have a good therapy session, darling. I love you.

I smiled as I read it. More than I should've.

Thank you. I love you too.

I put my phone back in my pocket just as Colton drove around the corner.

I got into the car and Kinsley was already there.

"Hi Letty!" She said with so much excitement.

"Hi." I said to them both.

"Ready kiddo?" Colton asked.

"Yeah I am." I smiled at him.

The whole drive to therapy me and Kinsley forced Colton to listen to Ariana grande. And surprisingly when he started dancing behind the wheel as Kinsley and I sang one last time, we had to stop to have a real laugh at Colton.

We finally went inside and took a seat to wait because like always we were twenty minutes early for our appointments.

"Colton," Kinsley said as she swung her feet off the chair.

"Yeah pumpkin?" Colton answered.

"Now that daddy's gone, you're staying forever right?" She asked as her big blue eyes looked into his.

Even I was curious for the answer. Even if I was taken aback by her question.

"Yes pumpkin, I'm staying forever. I don't have a single reason to leave." He said with a smile. Kinsley's smile only grew wider and she grew excited.

"I love you Colton." She wrapped her tiny arms around his big frame.

"I love you too pumpkin." He hugged her back.

"Collette Hollis?" Ava called out.

"Have a good session kiddo." Colton said and I sent him a smile before I walked away.

"Hi Ava." I walked up to her.

"Hi Letty, lovely to see you. Mal will see you in a few, room three like always." She said.

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