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I wasn't dreaming. This was definitely more awkward than I could've imagined.

Valentina keeps staring at Ally like she wants to rip her to shreds while Ally gulps every time she even subtly thinks about looking at Valentina.

I've been sat here for the last twenty minutes staring at a blank word document.

"Im leaving for two minutes. Don't move and stay quiet." Valentina said as she stood from her chair and made her way to the door.

She left shortly after and I stayed seated, staring at my blank screen.

"Hey are you okay?" Ally asked me softly.

"What?" I asked her shaking my head.

"Are you alright? You've been staring at a blank screen for almost twenty-five minutes." She asks again but this time placed her hand on my thigh.

"I'm fine, I'm just think a little too hard." I said trying to move my leg away from her hand.

"What about? You haven't worked a lot." She asks me as her thumb rubs back and forth on my thigh.

"Nothing. I've finished my work anyways." I said shifting in my seat slightly.

"She's kinda scary. And a bitch." Ally said.

"Who?" I asked her

"Miss Fairbourne. I'm not in any of her classes or anything but she looks like a bitch. And scary at the same time." She said with a smile. "I mean if she wasn't such a bitch people might have a better reaction to her. How are you sitting here so comfortable with her, she's so cold and mean." She added

I wanted to slap her for talking about Valentina like that. Valentina is a bitch and cold but only to the people who deserve it, otherwise she's just plain cold like every other day.

I wanted to tell her that she doesn't know her like I do, cliche but true. But if I say anything else, I risk my future and her future too.

I just nod and knowing I'm going to apologise to Val a million times over just for this.

Ally turned her attention back to her laptop but her hand was still on me. I shifted around in my seat, trying to get her hand to slide off me.

And just my luck my girlfriend walked in to see her hand on me. She looked at the hand and then at me and to Ally.

"Collette, go work on that table over there." She said coldly and harshly while pointing to the table over on the other side of her office.

Without a second glance at Ally I picked all my shit up and moved making eye contact with Valentina hoping she can hear or see my silent thank you.

I sat down at the table and finished the last price of chemistry work I had. I didn't realise how working in front of Valentina affected me. I was working at a faster pace and finished everything twenty minutes early.

And as a bonus I wasn't drowning in my own blush so I wasn't smiling like an idiot.

"You can go." Valentina spoke without looking up from her computer.

"What?" I asked softly.

"Allison you may leave. Collette you have twenty minutes left." She said coldly.

"I can wait the full—"

"You don't have multiple office visits and missing work, you can leave." Her green eyes darted at Ally, cold in their entirety.

"Okay." Ally shuddered as she packed her things up and turned to the door. She smiled at me as she left and I smiled back softly.

The minute she left Valentina got up and locked the door again. I pick my stuff up and packed my bag so I could leave soon too.

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