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Collette's POV

After I left miss Fairbourne's house, I cried driving home.

I get we weren't together officially but it sure as hell felt like it. It felt like at least we were moving.

I get that Zara is her ex fiancée and all but it hurt. She went from giving me endless kisses and cuddles in the morning to kisses her ex.

I have no reason to be angry, we were never together.

I avoided everyone once I entered the house and just went upstairs.

I texted both Zoë and Birdie because I don't know what to do in situations like these.

She gave me the choice on how I want this all to go, but I don't know how I want it to go, I mean it hurt. I was waking up in her arms, in her pyjamas, wearing her clothes to school, literally smelt her on me all day, sulked when she didn't show up for English and couldn't stop talking to Birdie all of maths about how she messaged me to tell me to come over after school.

I spent all day thinking about her even the smallest things and she was kissing her ex.

Fucking wonderful.

Birdie 🕊️
Are you still over at her house? Omg how is it?

No im home. She kissed her ex.

Birdie 🕊️

I said it, she texted me to tell me she kissed fucking Zara. I don't even know how I feel about it all. I'm so lost right now.

Birdie 🕊️
Should Zo and I come over? We have nothing planned for the rest of today.

I guess. Just let yourselves in the doors unlocked.

Birdie 🕊️
We'll be there soon babes.

After twenty minutes of me sulking and crying some more, birdie and Zoë burst into my room.

"Man Colton would make a great princess." Zoë says with a laugh that birdie follows along with.

"He's playing dress up with Kinsley downstairs and I've never met a man who suites Elsa more than Elsa." Birdie said plopping onto my bed.

"Okay down to business. What exactly happened when you went over? Like full details." Zoë said sitting in my desk chair.

I started explaining and they listened attentively.

"Okay, what she did was fucked up. And in no way am I saying she's right when I say this but that was her fiancée." Birdie said

"That cheated on her!" Zoë said.

"Exactly, but it's not like we were dating so..." I sighed "I just don't know how to like move." I added.

"Do you still want to continue what you guys have going on? I mean you smile like an idiot most days because of her. Just saying." Birdie asks.

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