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Valentina's POV

I left almost immediately after Collette called me. I went with Andrés because he didn't want me driving after I had on my one glass of wine.

It's thanksgiving and my house is everything.

The twins have been playing while they stuffed their faces with mac and cheese, even if Stella and Lottie hate when they eat it because then it's all they want.

My mom always backs the twins up by just giving them more Mac and cheese.

All my siblings came for thanksgiving and for the first time since he was born, I had seen Santiago's son.

Daniel. He's one and half years old and has spent his time playing with twins.

Jules and Charlie also came which is really nice.

Our house had been filled with music, good food and happy vibes. It's cozy.

I arrived at Collette's house twenty minutes later and she had tear stains on her cheeks. She was also shivering from the cold.

"Come here love." I took her in my arms and walked her on my car.

She looked like she had been crying for so long. It broke my heart.

We'd seen each other only three days ago. It was on accident but from then on i decided to take the advice my mom had given me.

If it was for us, we'd be an us. And if not we'd have to let it go.

"I'm sorry I called you I just didn't know what else to do." She said as she sniffled a little.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. This is my brother Andrés. Andrés this is Collette." I said

"Hey Collette, I hope you like pumpkin pie, my mom makes a great one." Andrés said while he drove us back.

The whole ride she was silent and only spoke if Andrés said something to her.

Andrés was busy singing his heart out to her songs on the radio which was absolutely ridiculous but I also know he was doing it to distract Collette from whatever was in her head.

Like he did for me growing up.

I held Collette the whole time and her head rested on my shoulder. With every new tear that would fall from her eye I would wipe it away.

We arrived home and the smell of pumpkin pie lingered in the air.

"Okay, there's a lot of us so be prepared. Matías has a stick in his ass half the time. Santiago is smitten in love with his wife and kid. Stella and Lottie are too in love for their own good but are incredible to be around. Jules and Charlie are insane and always fight over who is winning the annual Mario kart game, normally it's my sister and Zara but not it's you so prepare. At any cost Jules and Charlie as well as Lottie and Stella will try and win. So make sure to play smart not harder." He said tapping the side of his head. "My mom is a softie and will do anything to make you comfortable. Also don't refuse the pie. No matter how full you are, you'll get in trouble. The kids are kept to their own devices, playing and colouring but you're here so you might be asked to play with them. And—"

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