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Valentina's POV

Collette and I got back to my place after a couple more hours riding a few more rides, fair dinner and stopping on three photo booths on the way out.

The whole day leading up to her asking her to be my girlfriend I spent in a panic.

I was worried that it would go well and we would've gone through so much back and forth with talking that i would've not gone through with it at all.

Stella was with me all of Thursday evening as I continued to panic slightly over it.

"On the bright side you're both doing it right. You'll actually ask her right. Unlike me and Lottie." Stella said with a smile as she sat across from me at my kitchen island.

"Well a hospital bed isn't very suitable for our situation, given that she hasn't OD'd." I said while Stella laughed lightly.

"Look at us now." She countered.

"Yeah okay. But still what if it's all a mistake. What if she just doesn't want to take it any further? Because believe me, I get that it's still complicated." I sighed.

"Are you worried you won't love her? Or she won't love you?" She questioned.

"Who's talking about love?" I scoffed.

"Im just saying. You like her a lot and so does she, it's clear, we can all see that. I have zero doubt that she's falling for you and hard so don't worry about that."

"You really think she's falling? I think it's too soon really." I asked folding my arms.

"I do, and falling for a person has no timeline you know."

"Of course you'd say that, seeing as you two became a couple in about hospital bed, said I love you after two weeks and moved in together after same said two weeks." I teased her.

"Engaged after only a year, married in two years and had three kids all below the age of 30. I'm not complaining." She said clearly mocking me the same way I mocked her.

"Touché." I nodded at her. "Still what if...what if it's a fuck up like Zara and I waste another three years of my life. What then?" I said sighing.

"Zara wasn't your fault, she was already fucked up on her own. You bought that shit broken." She said.

"And if you could love the wrong person as much as you loved her, imagine how much you could love the right one." She added calmly.

And with that somehow it convinced me enough and I decided to grow a pair and do it.

No matter how much my heart was racing the whole night, I would do it all over again to watch her melt.

I didn't think it would go over so well and I'd actually walk out of the fun fair with a girlfriend.

The whole drive home as Collette nodded off to sleep, I let the feeling really settle in me.

She was my girlfriend.

This girl who I had met three months ago purely on accident in a target, who just so happened to be my student. An infuriatingly smart one at that.

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