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Collette's POV

She actually called me 'my girl.' am I even her girl?

I've been thinking about it all week. She called me her girl on Monday and it's the only words playing on a loop in my head for the last 3 days.

"Do you think she meant it?" I asked birdie while we sat for lunch.

"What calling you her girl?"

"Yeah like do you think she meant to say it? Am I even her girl?" I asked as I laid my fork down on my tray.

"Aren't you? I mean like isn't she your girlfriend?" Birdie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm no. No she's not, we aren't like officially dating or anything but she called me her girl, does that even mean anything?" I said

"Girl for real?! She isn't your girlfriend?" She asked me a little shocked.

"No she's not, we've been on a few dates but nothing official." I blushed just thinking about our time together.

"I was about to praise you and be like you're dating the vice principal but—"

"What do you mean vice principal?" I asked shocked and confused.

"You didn't know? Your girl is the new vice principal. For like the last three days she's been vice principal."


This makes things so much more complicated. Before I was just dating my English teacher and it wasn't anything different but now she's the vice principal.

Could I even continue to date her? We'd be putting too much at risk.

"Wait so since Monday she's been vice principal?" I asked birdie

"Yeah, I thought she would've told you. She gave up my English class for the job. We're back with mr Pat now." Birdie said rolling her eyes.

"I didn't know. I mean what now? There's too much at risk. It's different now."

"That's what I was thinking, but I assumed you guys would've talked about it." Birdie said.

"Can we even continue whatever we have? Or is it too risky, she's putting too much at risk. And so am I. I really like Mrs Morris and what if she find out and I don't get into NYU. There's too much to loose birdie." I said frantically.

This is so much more different now, I can't date my vice principal. At one point she was just my English teacher but now she's my vice principal too.

I mean of course I like her, I like her a lot but what if we get caught. People would think I'm sleeping with her to get a boost in school. And that's further from the truth.

They'd say all kinds of things and it wouldn't be good. We could lose too much.

I need NYU. And she needs her job.

"So talk to her. If you feel like it's too much, you could always stop dating her." Birdie said.

It's too much, I get that and maybe birdie had a point. It is too much.

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