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Valentina's POV

The minute the words left Collette's mouth my heart sank.

"I'm going to assume I didn't hear you right." I said to her as I tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Okay maybe not Ally but someone else. Just until I graduate. Then no one can say anything. Rumours would die, we'll be okay right?" She said with a small smile, like it was actually something good.

I'm a jealous person. I've realised. Ive never been a jealous person before Collette but now, the thought of someone else's hands being on her rubs me the wrong way and makes me want to break their finger individually.

"No Collette. No you don't." I turned to fully face her. "Eres mía, amor. Vale." I said to her feeling a certain irritation rise within me.
(Translation: you're mine, love. Okay.)

"Think about it for a second—"

"I don't want to. I prefer you with me." I told her with a smirk on my face.

Collette has taught me a lot of things. I used to hate being held but now I crave her touch, I long to just hold her hand sometimes. She's showed me that love goes beyond three simple words, it's something you're supposed to feel deep inside.

She makes me feel that way.

"I'm serious Val. Today made me realise that we can't even be seen in the same place without anyone speculating things. Just until graduation." She said softly yet more seriously.

"No, I'm not thinking of it." I took a breath. "When I said we'll be fine. I meant you and me together. I didn't mean you and me separately." I said to her.

"I know. We can't lose everything." She said.

"And we won't. Darling we've been doing okay. She's the only thing in our way. No one knows anything's because of how careful we've been." I said walking to sit down next to me.

"I don't want to lose you eternally."

"You won't. I'm here, I love you."

"I love you too, it's why I think this will work. Just until—"

"Don't finish that sentence. There so many other ways. Collette, rumours die down and you graduate in just over three months. We've been seeing each other for just over six months, dating for almost three and no one has ever suspected a thing. But Ally..." I had to take a breath.

Every time a problem arises with us her first thought is that we need to break up. I don't want that. I talk, I prefer to talk things out rather than have things hang in the air waiting for a discussion to potentially happen.

"You never shut her down. It's why she always believes she has a chance." I finished my sentence.

"I do, I do every time." She said annoyance rising in her own voice.

"Have you once told her directly that you aren't interested and will never be interested? Or when she asks you to go out, do you say no?" I asked her.

She was silent. "I thought so." Is all I said and lifted off the bed.

"Val it won't be forever, just until I graduate."

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