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Ally sat in a seat too.

I don't understand why she's here.

Okay, obviously she's got detention, but why?

I walk in, my smile completely dropping from my face as I took my usual seat in this class. Ally was on the other side.

When she saw that I sat kinda far from her, she moved closer. To the seat just beside me, Zoë's seat.

"How'd you land up here?" Ally asked with a beaming smile.

"I didn't complete the work in English." I shrugged not sparing her a glance.

"Oh." She said quietly. "Have I done something wrong? I feel like we haven't been talking as much." She asked me softly.

"You haven't ally. I just have a lot going one right now. I'm sorry." I turned to her to look at her.

Her blue eyes looked into mine with a sense of hope. Like a flame rose within them. I wanted to switch the flame off, but do it gently.

Just because she's annoyed me in the past doesn't mean I have to be a bitch to her.

"Okay, I was worried I'd done something." She let out a small sigh of relief.

I wanted to say something but in came Valentina.

She has this powerful walk if you will, it's filled with a sense of pride that I've noticed she uses when she wants to assert her authority in a situation.

"Alright. I'm sure you have work to do. Do it. You only have forty-five minutes. Go." She said harshly.

I sat silently doing the work I missed in English that day and it was easier than I expected. And dare I say even a little fun to create the character profiles.

I finished that and moved on to my maths work from this morning. I finished that too and now had a spare ten minutes.

I pulled my phone out slyly under the table and texted Valentina.

What did you get me for my birthday?

Val ❤️
Go back to work darling.

I smirked at my phone. I peaked up to just steal a small glance at her.

She looked amazing today. But then again, when does she never. I bit down on my bottom lip and message her back.

I've done it all, what did you get me???

Val ❤️
Alright, I'll take your word for it this time. Hand it to me after.

What did you get me???

Val ❤️
Heard anything back from NYU or any of the other colleges you applied to?

Valentina stop deflecting the question!!!! What did I get??

I accidentally let out a loud annoyed huff. Even ally turned to look at me.

I switched my phone off and packed everything I had away.

"You're both free to go. Collette, I need your sheets." Valentina spoke coldly.

Both ally and I packed up what was remaining and she left quickly while I stayed back to give Valentina my work.

"What did you get me?" I asked her a little louder than I meant to but still in a whisper.

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