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I got home and was in a mood.

"Woah, you look grumpy. Bad day?" Colton asked.

"No im fine." I lied as I went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"It's understandable it's raining so if you're grumpy I get it." He said

"I'm not grumpy." I countered.

"Okay." I lifted his hands in defence. "Well, what I'm about to say will definitely make you grumpy." He said and I looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"Since it's thanksgiving, your dad asked if he could come spend it with us here. Just for the day." He said looking at me wanting a genuine answer.

My face fell. I wasn't grumpy anymore, I was scared. "What did you say?" I asked softly.

"I agreed kiddo. He's been doing better but I can take it back if you say you're uncomfortable right now Letty." He said

"No, no. It's fine. You've already agreed. It seems selfish if you take it back. I'll be fine for the night, right?"

"He's not staying the night. He'd be here just on Thursday morning and go back on the evening."

"Okay. I'll be fine." I said, I turned on my heel to leave and head upstairs.

I fell flat onto my bed and just stared at the ceiling for a moment. I should be fine right? He's not staying the night. I'll be fine.

My phone pinged and I turned it over to check the message.

It was ally.

Hey, how are you?

I'm good thanks you?

That's good, I'm good.
Are you busy? Like right now?

No, not really.

Do you want to go out for dinner? Just to a nearby cafe, they have really good oat milk lattes. And little croissants, I think you'll like it there.

Sure, what time?

Like now? I could come pick you up.

Oh okay, no worries I'll just drive over. Is it on the strip?

Yeah I'll see you in the parking lot?

Sure :)

I have nothing else to lose, no plans and I need to get out of my mood. So I guess going out with ally wouldn't be an issue.

As friends.

I quickly layered up by adding a scarf before throwing on my puffer jacket.

I told Colton I was going out for a bit and he said it was fine but not to be out too late.

I drove to the strip and met ally where she said she'd be waiting.

She looped her arm with mine and we got walking.

"How's your hand feeling?" She asked as we walked through the cold.

"It's doing better, still hurts some days though." I said shrugging as we walked into a small cafe, it was a cafe but it looked more like a restaurant. It was warm inside.

The lighting was dim and subtle, the whole place had a rustic vibe to it and was cozy. The tables were square snd covered in a white able cloth with one flower and a candle in the middle.

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