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It's Wednesday and I haven't heard from Val. Of course I've seen her in school and I've talked to her here and there but I haven't seen her or talked to her properly since Saturday morning.

She's not answering any of my messages and I don't want to call her because i feel like it's too personal.

I keep checking my phone every two minutes to see if she's texted me but there's been nothing.

On my way to physics I decided to send her a message just to see if she's okay, like I have for the last three days. Consecutively.

Hi Val, are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a while :)

I put my phone away hoping that when I looked at it again she would text back.

Mr Daley walked in as his cheery self and started the lesson.

I wasn't paying much attention to be honest, I was more concerned if I had done anything to make Valentina not talk to me or shut me out recently.

It's really eating me.

My phone buzzed and I didn't even take a second to make sure mr Daley was looking away so I could check it hoping it was Valentina.

Hey, it's Ally.
Sorry for the sudden text Birdie gave me your number but I was wondering if you're going to the dance on Friday?

Why was ally texting me? I mean obviously it was to see if I was going to the dance. But still why?

I looked behind me and saw her with a smile on her face as she waved. I smiled and waved back.

Hey, yeah I'm going on Friday. You?

Yeah I am. Do you have a costume yet?

Yeah my friends and I are going as emergency patrols hahaha

That's so fun oh my gosh. I'm not sure what I'm going as yet.

You got to choose an outfit soon

Yeah I just don't know what outfit like I want something that says im cute but also something that is like fierce.

I get that, maybe take something simple and make it good.

That could work. Would you come shopping with me after school?

I mean I don't have any plans and Valentina hasn't texted me back for the last three days so I really have nothing to lose.

Yeah sure. Meet outside by the entrance after school?

Yeah, thanks btw.

Yeah of course. Don't worry.

After school?

Yeah :))

After that, mr Daley's lesson went by pretty quickly and all I had to do was make it through maths.

We didn't do much work because I mainly spent the whole time complaining about Valentina to birdie who was working for the both of us since I couldn't be asked.

Soon maths ended and I went out to wait for Ally but she was already there. On our way out I saw Valentina and I just walked passed her like she normally would to me these days but when ally looped her arm with mine she did a double take and internally I was smiling while her face remained cold and harsh.

We walked completely past her and headed to my car.

I got to know Ally more as we drove to the shopping strip.

We like a lot of the same music and TV shows. Even books. Surprisingly she read a lot like myself.

She said she has a big family but her parents are divorced so she only sees some of her family every other weekend.

She's dog person like me but also loves cats and loves sports but isn't a fan of playing most of them.

Once we got shopping we found an outfit for her. She decided on going with something easy yet something that would make her look good.

She was going to be Alice, from Alice in wonderland. Once we finished with that we headed out for coffee, just a quick takeaway coffee.

We walked into a small quaint cafe.

"Hi what can I get for you?" The barista behind the counter asked us.

"Can I get one vanilla latte with soy milk?" Ally asked politely. She was very smiley.

"Of course and for you?" She asked.

"A vanilla latte too with regular milk." I said and she gave us a total and we paid together instead of separately so we could get going quicker.

"Oh my gosh, I know a really cute jewellery shop near here, wanna go check it out quickly before leave?" Ally asked as we waited for our coffees.

"Yeah sure, how far?" I asked.

"Literally just like three shops up." She said.

Just then our names were called for our orders and we picked them up to go.

Ally took my hand in hers and led us out but just our luck to see Valentina walk in just as we were walking out. A blonde girl trailed behind her.

"Miss Fairbourne." Ally said shyly as she opened the door.

She had an eyebrow raised and looked at our hands. I wanted to challenge her but her look made me intimidated.

If only she could answer her messages we could talk like normal people.

"Walk." She said coldly as she stood aside for us.

"Val that's not nice. Isn't that—"

"Inside Quinn." She said raising her eyebrow more at the blonde who seemed to just roll her eyes at Val.

We walked past her and Ally let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"What's her problem?" Ally asked with sarcasm and to be honest I don't know either.

"No idea." I said

"Too with the blonde, she seemed like she knew you." Ally said as we entered the jewellery shop.

"I have no idea who she is." I said shrugging my shoulders. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't exactly the truth.

We walked around the shop for a while and I didn't exactly find anything but Ally did. And she seemed happy.

After a while we left and I dropped her at home and at the end she gave me hug. It was warm and soft.

I drove home and to be honest I was grumpy.

I'm grumpy at Valentina. Why isn't she texting me back but has an attitude when I'm with someone else.

It feels unfair.

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