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Valentina's POV

I might have fucked up. And I'm fully aware of it.

I ignored Collette for a week straight. Mainly because I was busy with my little business but also because I was contemplating a lot.

Being with Collette was different and the full day after we had sex, I couldn't stop thinking about how different it felt. It felt easier in a way.

Being with Zara, it was always on her terms, sometimes I wouldn't even be touched by her and I'd have to do all the work myself.

She cared about getting off herself and it felt like I was a toy at some point.

But also when she would touch me i felt so amazing afterwards. It was like I could release all the tension i was holding in when she'd fuck me.

But comparing Collette to Zara isn't fair to Collette. Collette just does it better.

She didn't even touch me and I felt more satisfied than I had in the whole three years of me and Zara being together.

It's Tuesday and I've got schoolwork to catch up on and other work to do.

I'm sitting at my desk while my freshman work on their Romeo and Juliet booklets.

I've been trying to get hold of a model for the last few items I have for the last of the autumn stuff. I have my website manager ready to handle uploading and all, I have my photographer ready but I need a model.

Normally, Emily and Zara would model for me but Emily and Rainnie now have a baby so it feels selfish for me to ask when they're already so busy and I can't ask Zara.

Talia manager
Have you found a model yet?
Time is ticking Val. The agency needs these by Friday.

No I haven't but I'm looking.

Talia manager
Do it quickly because they want a model for tomorrow.

Can't we push it for Thursday?

Talia manager
No time. Tomorrow or the line won't go up.


I cursed under my breath and faced my back to my computer. I needed to find someone fast.

Someone I knew could do it. But I didn't have many options.

Stella is going away tomorrow, Natalia and Emilia already did the kids stuff and lottie definitely wouldn't. Rainnie just gave birth and her and Emily are more than busy. Quinn wouldn't because she's too shy and Vivian wouldn't because each time I ask I get the same answer of "I'm not a model." So it leaves me with minimal options.

My last fucking resort.

Can you do a photoshoot tomorrow?

Really? You still want me to do them?

I'm desperate. Don't think too highly.

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