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Collette's POV

A week has passed since I decided to get it together and really take a deep breath and figure shit out with Valentina.

I had a panic attack when my dad was at thanksgiving because of everything he said and his words really hurt me.

But somehow, Valentina managed to convince me otherwise. She really helped me.

I ended up spending the rest of thanksgiving with her family and it ended up being a good day.

Her house was so warm and welcoming. Her brother Matías seemed to be a bit closed off but I don't blame him. Santiago is so much like Colton, he was playing with the twins and his son and whatever they roped him into. Valentina and Andrés I could tell were close by the banter they had.

Laura really did go to all lengths to make sure I was comfortable. And we ended up winning Mario kart which was probably the one the biggest highlights of my night.

Val and I decided we wouldn't interact in school because it would be too risky. But I'll be the first to say it isn't going too well.

I've been staying after our exams to have a little extra time with her. Since she's the one who is the coordinator for the exams.

It's been fun but risky.

Ally and I are still friends. I think she took it well. She still tries to hold my hand and all, I almost feel bad for shutting her down. I just keep telling her I don't feel the same and she backs off.

Today is Friday, our last day of exams but I'm sad because Val isn't in today. And it's our English exam today.

I feel like I've studied enough, I know everything pretty well, I think. I went through the book back and front making sure I knew quotes and all.

"Are you ready for today?" Zoë asked as we waited out side the hall.

"Yeah I am, I'm feeling confident." I said.

"That's really good." She said with a smile.

"Are you still seeing Quinn?"

"I am. We're going out tonight." She blushed while talking.

"You're blushing." I teased her.

"Who's blushing?" Birdie asked as she walked up to us.

"Zoë!" I teased her.

"Shut up, like you don't blush just by thinking about Val." Zoë slapped my arm jokingly.

"Still going out with Quinn?" Birdie asked.

"Yeah, we're going out tonight."

"You guys are getting serious." I said.

"Maybe, I don't know. She's really fun to be around and makes good company. She's a good listener but also a really great talker. And she smells like flowers. It's a comforting scent, and her hugs are soft like a pillow!" Zoë said while birdie and I chuckled at her.

"What?" She asked.

"You like her!" I teased lightly poking her side and she blushed more.

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