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Q: Who would you like to see for one last match?

I got to tell seeing my dad smiling because of me is unusualsince, his favorite is Saraya and Zak, next is Roy then the last is me. Dad was never my fan. It goes like: younger ones needs to grow up by themselves so that they can act as the big ones too. As a kid I never felt my dad praise me, the closest he did was when he said that my hard work finally paid off.

"Hey dad" I greeted and hug him. Roy took his bags and mom smiled at us who is beside dad. He hug me back and then we let go

"Where's Saraya? Is she with you?" he asked with excitement in his expression. My smile turned into a frown but quickly put it back on. I told you. I shook my head and then he let go of my hands, letting it fall on its own "Oh" That's just what he said and then walked away. I look at mom and she was looking at me with sympathy. I give her a reassuring smile and I walk to her

I wrap my other arm around her waist and she did the same. We walk to the dinning place and Roy and Zak looked at me, knowing their looks they're asking how it went. I gently shook my head and they gave me a sympathetic look. Dad never acts one around me.

"Rick how was work?" mom asked while eating. I'm beside mom and in front of me is Roy. Beside him is Zak and an empty seat beside me. Mom and dad on both ends of the table.

"It was fine. So Jade, why are you here? What happened?" Dad asks and look at me while drinking his water

"I got caught up with a backstage fight. Got suspended-"

"Backstage fight? I thought you're just an innocent little kid? A wannabe wrestler who is afraid to make people bleed?" Dad said with a chuckle


"No stop it Julia! You know to yourself that she's never meant to be a wrestler" Dad said with a little raise on his voice. All this things? Wrestling? This was never my option, I made this an option because of my dad! And now what?!

"Rick stop it!"

"Shut it Julia! She needs to know! She needs to know right now! I can't stand it! It's either you tell her or me!"

"What are you saying?" I asked but Roy stand up and help me up. I shrug his arm off mine and pull mom's arm "What is he saying?"

"Roy, get her out!" Mom yelled

"Julia! She's not a kid anymore!" Dad yelled and they both stand up from their seats. Roy pulled me away from both of them and hold both my arms to the side and push me out the room

"Roy! What are they saying?" I asked and he open the front door

"Just stay here." Before he could even leave, I grab his arms and spun him around

"I'm sick and tired of people keeping things away from me! I had enough lies!"

"You'll thank me later for keeping this a secret. Now stay just here" He said and shrug my arm off and close the door. I sit on the sidewalk and just buried my face on my arms. I had enough of this! Just why?!


After hours of sitting on the curb, I heard the door opened and I quickly rushed in and storm upstairs. They called my name but I didn't bother. I pack my bags and rush downstairs. "Whatever the hell you don't want to tell me, I careless. I live 21 years not knowing and I won't mind now" I said in front of them but dad shield the door
"I don't even care about you anymore. You made our life! MY life miserable! Because of you this family was a wreck! But to turn your life miserable I just want you to know that you're adopted." My dad yelled and that's when I slapped him

"You were never my dad! You didn't even tried! I tried being your child but I give up! Good thing to know that you aren't" I said and storm out. I stuff my things in the back of the car and turn to them "Oh and one more thing, Saraya found a guy, named Colby Lopez" I said and their faces went pale. I stormed off and I park at a street away from the house. This isn't fair. Why? No the question isn't why, it's who?

I pulled my phone out after it ring and saw it's Randy. I calm myself down and answered "Hey babe."

"Hey-wait are you crying?"

"No" I answered while shaking my head and sobs. Great, you aren't crying huh?

"Babe what happened?"

"I don't even know. All I know is that I'm going to move out here. I don't want to be here"

"Sssh. Go to the airport right now and fly to St.Louis. I'll be waiting. I'm sorry I can't be there right now"

"It's okay. I'll go now"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I hung up and buried my head to the steering wheel. I cried freaking pacific ocean. Fuck life. I drive to the airport and I luckily caught a plane to St.Louis. I got in a plane and even though I want to sleep, I can't.

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