15: Welcome Home

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"Hello Dana. Sorry for bothering you at this moment." I said through the bluetooth while driving to the house of my parents. "Ugh, it's 11 Alpha. -Yawns- What can I do at this time of night?" he asked with a hint that he was just sleeping. "I have no schedule right? Guestings whatsoever?" I asked him. Since I'm new, he handles my schedules to see and get clarified. "Alpha, I'm tired as hell today. I'll call you tomorrow. By the meantime, you have 2 days off. I'll get you a manager by tomorrow."

"Okay Dana, sorry for the disturb"

"Yeah, yeah, have a good night kid."

"You too Dan." I said and he hang up. I park my car in front of my house and exit the car, they have a house in Oklahoma but they reside in California. So yeah, no one's here for the moment. I called my parents before going here and they said that the duplicate was just taped under the mailbox in front of the gate.

This house is fortune. I got out the car and went to one of our neighbor, the one just in front of us. I walk to their lawn and admire the garden. The woman living here is 40 years old with 2 children. A girl and boy. The girl is 19 while the boy is 22. Her husband is a police who works at New York. She's a sweet lady, the reason why we trusted her my baby boy.

I was shook out my thoughts when someone side hug me. I turn around and saw Mrs. Herms, the lady I was talking about. "Oh my gosh! Hi Jade sweetie, how are you?" she asked sweetly before letting go. "I'm fine Kara thanks for asking. How 'bout you?" I asked back while holding her hands. "I'm good too, the kids are at college. They'll be back by next week for vacation. Why are you here?"

"I just need a peace of mind. What other than this house right? Anyways, where's my baby?" I asked her and she smiled sweetly before looking back at her house to see my baby on the doorstep. He's all grown up now.

I smiled and crouch down then open my arms wide welcoming him. He runs to me then tackle me to the ground while barking and licking my face in excitement. I laughed then he back away to let me stand up. I kneel with one knee down and ruffled his head, "Keith has been good. Healthy and taking excercise. It's clear he misses you. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow Alpha. It's getting late. Good night." Kara said and I smiled then thanked her. I watch her get in her house while Keith sat beside me. I looked down again and poke his nose. "You'll accompany me for the night Keith. Let's go home." I said and walk away from the lawn. I reach my house and bend over to get the key. I unlocked the gate that leads to the garage and then Keith run inside. I went inside my car then drive it to park it inside.

After I parked it, I went back to the gate to lock it and then open the car's trunk to get my luggage. I get Two of them and then reached for my backpack on the backseat. I sling the backpack on my shoulder then drag my luggage behind me then closing the trunk.

I unlock the door, front door, then Keith went running inside. I open the lights and then remove my shoes. I closed the door then lock it. I left my luggage there first since I have clothes here on my room upstairs. I went to the kitchen then look for something to eat. I grabbed the cup noodles then warm the water up. Keith then appeared behind me, I reached above the shelf then pour down dog food on his bowl. He immediately devoured it then I checked my cup noodles to find it finish. I mix it a little to make it warm then eat them. I sat indian style on the floor beside Keith.

Keith is a Siberian Husky with a mix of a wolf. I got this 4 years ago from Randy on our anniversary. Randy and I was walking on the boardwalk when we saw this pet shop. We decided to check it out and then my eyes laid on the ever so cute puppy. I was planning on buying him when Randy said he has allergies. I bid the cute creature goodbye with a sad look on his eyes.

I was pretty dissapointed that night, but put it at the back of my mind. Cause I just want to enjoy that moment with him. We sat down on this bench on the edge of the boardwalk. He excused himself after a few minutes saying he'll go to the restroom. I said okay then waited patiently.

A few fan autographs and pictures later, he was still not there. I was thinking he left but when I stood up and turn around, I saw him with the puppy on his arms. I smiled then run to him, hugging him tightly. I kissed Randy's face then I pet the dog. When we went home, here in Oklahoma, he let me decide the name, so without hesitation, I named him Keith. Randy's second name. He protested but he got nothing to do when I let him choose between Keith or Randall.

I smiled remembering those times. I should've listen when people say that sooner or later, it won't be all fantasy. I should've listen, 'cause now, I'm having a hard time facing reality.

I wipe away little tears from my eyes, Keith then snuggle to my neck. I scratch his neck then I hear him whimper. I got my cup then put it on the sink above me. I let my head fell on Keith's then hug his body. I then stand myself up and head upstairs to my room. I throw my jacket on the bed then Keith lay down. I turn on my lamp then got some clothes to change in. I went to my bathroom then change into pajama shorts then an oversize shirt. I splashed a little bit of water to freshen me up then put my previous clothes on the laudry beside my sink. I tie my hair in a bun before exiting the bathroom.

I get my phone which was on the nightstand beside my bed then turn the Christmas lights on my room then turn the lamp off. I scanned through a couple of my social media's then a message pop out

I'm coming for you baby. Wait for me, I'm so sorry. I don't want to lose you -Randy

You don't know where I am, and I don't have plans on telling you -Me

Then there was no reply. I decided he wouldn't go so I snuggle in. I slept with Keith on my legs. But while sleeping, I was a heavy sleeper so I didn't ready his reply

I know already. I asked Ronda. And I'm on your front door right now. -Randy

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