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I woke up beside my loving boyfriend and I move a little, making sure not to wake him up. I stared at his unbelievable face that was buried on my neck. How can I be so lucky?

I kissed the tip of his nose and he stirred a little and buried his head deeper. "Wake up. Let's go." I said and rub my nose with his. He groaned and envelope me with his hug. My face was buried on his chest and I push him away slightly.

Minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Jade wake up! We need to start the day now." Ronda. I smiled and Randy let me go. He face the other side but I pulled him up. "I'll make breakfast." he said when he stood up and kiss me. He put his sweats on and I put my shorts and his shirt.

I walk to the door and saw Ronda with Shayna. "Good Morning to you. The 2 went early to the gym. Brock and Phil are waiting for you and woah-" Ronda stop her tracks in front of the kitchen and I saw that she saw Randy's bare back.

"Alright Rousey, let's go. Don't want to get freaky." Shayna said and Randy turn around. He wipe his hands on the towel and put the sandwhiches he made down along with the coffee. "Hello Mr. Orton." Shayna said and I playfully hit the back of her head

"Hi, Randy Orton." Randy introduced and lend his hand. Shayna shook it as well as Ronda. "Ronda and she's Shayna. Jade is one lucky chick."

"Very funny. Let's go now." I said and drag Ronda to the table and we drink our coffee and I immediately eat my sandwhich. "Alright, I'll change then we'll meet my grumpy trainers."


I tied my hair in a bun and shake my hands. I walk to Phil and he raise the gloves up and I did my combos. I duck and then start my combos again and duck. I repeat this for 3 minutes until we start the grappling. I advance towards Phil and move my arms on the points where I'll hit and then when he swing, I took his hand and position him for the kimura and then let go. Brock came up to us and help me and Phil stand up. "Thanks." I said and dusted my hands

"How is it?" Phil asked him. "I must say, I'm impressed."

"Now that's more like it." I said and Randy came up to me and carry me up. "Pretty pumped up I see?" he asked and look at Phil

"Phil, nice to see you again dude." Randy greeted and I smiled. They shook hands as well as him and Brock. Phil walked away since his phone rang. He came back minutes later looking all worried. "Aj's water broke. I'll see you guys soon."

"Okay Phil, thanks, see you." I said and side hug him. I walk back to Brock and fix my gloves. "Let's go."


I walked to the arena with the 4, Brock and Randy. "I'm so nervous." I told Randy who is beside me while the others are behind me. "Don't be, you'll be great." He said and wrap one of his around me. "I'll go to Dana and asked for your locker." Brock said and I nodded. I grab my bags from him but Randy took it from my hands and slung it around his shoulder. "We'll be staying with Dwayne. We'll meet you outside. You'll do great honey don't worry." Ronda said and kissed the top of my head. "See you hon. Don't worry. Just remember, 3 combos, 2 feet work and lock it in." Shayna said and I nodded.

I looked at Randy and he carried me and we met Brock. "Follow me." He said and I was wriggling out of Randy's grip but nothing.

We reach my locker and he put me down. "So, Dana gave me your clothes. He said that after your match, there are possibilities of sponsors. So he said that you should make a good impression and performance. He also have your hair dresser there waiting and all. Your teams all good." He said and I nodded. We open the door and before I could even enter, there is someone who approached me.

"Hi, I'm Jacob and UFC is posting before and after matches spoofs. Can we have a see on how you prepare before this fight?"

"I'm sorry but I really can't deal with anyone when training, I hope you can understand." I said and he nodded. "After the fight then?" he asked and I nodded "Sure, see you Jacob." I said and patter his shoulder.


"Alpha, let's go." Brock said and I nodded. I get my sweatshirt and Randy finished up taping my hands. He kissed me and engulf me on a hug. "You'll do great. Don't worry." He said and I nodded. He needs to stay backstage though. Bummer

Brock waited outside the door and we walk out with the hood of my sweatshirt up. Jessica waited for me while all the one in my mind right now is her. I block all of the other noise and I stop in front of their medic and they applied some ointment.

I looked at the entrance and saw the 4 waiting there. They nodded at me and give me a few more pointers. I nodded and I remove my sweatshirt.

The announcer start introducing us and told us to touch gloves. I bounced by those chains and circle my head. The ref signal us to go. We start to walk towards each other and she already start to give me some punches. She hit a little stronger making me stumble back and I give her one of mine. Then I kick her and advance a little forward to knee her gut and took her arm and position her for the kimura.

Brock said that I should give my opponent a 3 second space before twisting it. I waited for 3 seconds and twisted it. She tapped out after and the ref pulled me back. I smiled widely and went to my corner. "Dude! That was 25 seconds! 25!" Marina said and went to give me a hug. "No way! Really?!" I asked them and they're all smiling widely. Brock hug me and mess my hair up. Awhh.

"And the winner of this match, at the time of 25 seconds, Alpha 'Killer' Jade!" they raised my hand and I shook hands with her again. I went out with a big smile on my face and I saw Jacob waiting.

"Is it okay now?" he asked and I nodded. "Okay then, So Alpha, you had a very short match. It maybe the first time but, do you think because of that 25 seconds fight, the other fighters should see you as a threat?"

"No, they should see me as their poison. I have a lot more in store, if they could last longer than me, they'll see."

"Alright, thank you and congratulations on your fight Alpha. See you soon." He said and I nodded, We walk back to my locker and saw Randy. I smiled and when he saw me, he walk up to me and spin me around and touch our foreheads. "You're a goddess." He said and I giggle. "Where did that come from?" I asked while chuckling, "From here..." he grab both my hands and place them on his heart. "Okay, lovebirds. Let's get her checked first." Jessa said and we nodded. We walk hand in hand to the clinic and when we reach there, I sit on this bed-like thing and the doctor appeared.

"Hi, I'm doctor Mckenly, and you must be the newest huh?" she asked and I shook her extended hand while nodding. "Nice meeting you too."

"So do you feel something unusual or something not right?"

"No, nothing."

She made me open my eyes and mouth. Then she keep her flashlight back. "Okay then, maybe a bruise will form on your cheek the next morning and if it does, apply an ice pack and it will fade on its own."

"One question, what happened to Jessica?"

"Your opponent? Her arm really got twisted and I bandage her arm and we'll have another check-up tomorrow morning to see if it's serious or not." She explained and I felt really bad, "Hey, don't worry. It comes natural in this business, having no bruise or injury after fights are impossible." McKenly assured me and I nodded.

We exit the room and go on our own ways. Brock back to his hotel, like all of us but Randy insisted of me coming with him at the arena for tomorrow.

While on the way, my phone rang and saw it's my dad. "Hello?"

"Princess! I'm so proud of you! You did a pretty good job! I'm sorry if me and your mom can't go there, you know that your little brother is sick right?"

"It's okay dad, I understand. Well, I have to go now."

"Okay princess, have a safe night. I love you."

"I love you too dad, bye."

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