Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up to find myself alone. Wesley appeared to be out and his bed was untouched. I stood up and stretched, feeling completely at ease in my dorm room for the first time. 

I looked outside the window to find another perfect day. I decided I would go for a run first, as the rest of my day would be busy preparing for tomorrow as classes officially started then. 

I threw on a t-shirt and athletic shorts, slipped on sneakers, and tied my brunette hair into a ponytail, and quickly headed outside. 

It was a gorgeous California day with a slight breeze making running pleasant. I ran through all the sidewalks and pathways of Vanatta, taking everything in. 

When I returned to my dorm, I found Wesley already in there, dressed only in athletic shorts. "Why are you shirtless?" I asked as I pulled my earbuds out. 

Wesley turned and smirked at me, "Eager Blair?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and took off my sneakers. "If you wanted me, all you had to do was say something." He provoked. 

"You wish you could have me." I crossed my arms. Wesley just chuckled and shook his head.


The next day I woke up really early to shower and have enough to get dressed and look nice, as well as get to class on time. 

I curled my hair and then threw on a blue sundress with a long white cardigan over it. 

My first class of the day was Sociology, a class I was pretty excited for. I walked over to the cafe and got myself a coffee. As I stepped away from the counter with my coffee in my hand, I ran right into Wesley. "Roomie," he greeted, a smirk on his face. 

"Hello Wesley." I greeted tightly, hoping he would just go away. 

"So what class are you heading to?" He asked, following me out of the cafe. 

"Oh so we're still doing this." I sighed, ignoring his question.

 "Doing what?" Wesley asked curiously. 

"This little fake roommate interaction thing." I pointed between the two of us.

 "Fake? Blair, why do you enjoy insulting me, denying our friendship?" He mocked. 

I rolled my eyes jokingly, "Well if you must know, I am going to to Sociology 101." I answered him. 

"Me too!" He replied, shooting me a grin.

"Yay!" I faked enthusiasm. 

"Hey at least I can sleep during this class and just copy off you later." Wesley said. 

"No, I'm taking this class seriously. Sociology is my major and I want to enjoy this class and take it all in." I said. 

Wesley looked a little surprised and was then kind of quiet for the rest of the walk over.

We reached the Humanities hall and we stepped inside. The Humanities Hall was large, and new, as it had been recently renovated a few years ago. Wesley had still continued to be quiet and appeared to be thinking something over.   

"Wesley!" A girl I didn't recognize called to him. 

He looked up and smiled, "Hey babe," Wesley greeted the girl, striding over to her and throwing an arm around her shoulder, not giving a second glance back at me. 

I followed behind them and headed into the large lecture hall, which appeared to hold about three hundred people. Wesley and the girl took a seat in the way back, not to my surprise. I decided to take a seat right in the middle, perfect spot for listening and getting good notes. 

"Is this seat taken?" A voice asked, pointing to the empty seat next to me. 

"No. Feel free." I replied. 

"Thanks," The girl replied. The girl was really pretty, with platinum blonde hair and a warm smile, "I'm Wendy." She introduced. 

I smiled back and extended my hand, "Blair." I replied back. 

"I'm excited for this class." Wendy said.

 "Me too! I'm actually a sociology major." I admitted. 

Wendy smiled, "Psychology major! I think we are going to be good friends." Wendy said. I nodded, college was starting to turn around after all.

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