Chapter 24

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After leaving from Wesley, I decided to head home. I had gone off in such a rush that I didn't grab a bag or anything so I was forced to make myself go home. 

When I pulled up the drive, I found only Will's car home. I looked at myself in the mirror, runny makeup, puffy and glistening eyes, and red nose. Will would worry if he saw my face so I quickly cleaned up my face as best I could. I still looked like I had been crying but there was nothing else I could do. 

Slowly I crept into the house, carefully trying to just make it from the door to my room.

"Blair?" I heard my brother call. Shit. 

"Yep." I replied, pulling off my shoes. 

"Did you find Wes- are you okay?" He asked, looking at me with concern. 

"I'm fine." I said, my voice wobbly. 

Will stepped closer to me. "No you're not. What happened? Did Wesley hurt you because I swear if he did I-' I cut his protective rant off. 

"No Will." I said firmly. 

"What happened. Come on talk to me." He urged. 

I did need someone to talk to. "Okay."


"Wow." Will breathed after I had finished telling him everything that had happened. "So he didn't say anything about why he was so particularly upset today?" He checked. 

I shook my head, "The only thing I saw was the date on his calendar circled with his brother's name Gordon scribbled in it. 

Without a word, Will got up and walked off. 

He returned quickly with his laptop. "What are you doing?" I asked. He ignored me and quickly typed on his computer. 

"This." He pointed at his computer scene for me to look. When I read the page my heart dropped. 

"Obituary of Gordon Tyberius Foster: Gordon Foster has passed away after a long battle with Leukemia on January 6, 2013 at the age of 12 years old." It was the anniversary of Gordon's death, three years. No wonder Wesley was a mess. And I left, I felt horrible. 

"I'm a horrible girlfriend." I whispered, more to myself than Will. 

He grabbed my hand, "Hey no, don't say that B. You didn't know for one thing, and for another thing he pushed you away. He's struggling deeply with this and maybe it was best to just give him some alone time." Will said.

"I just feel horrible for not knowing." I admitted. 

"The important thing is that you care and you know now." Will said. I bit my lip, trying to decide what to do. 

"I need to go see him and see if he's okay." I stood up.

"Blair are you sure that's a good idea? He sounded pretty upset earlier and if he was drunk he might be out of his proper head." Will warned. 

I shook my head, "I have to see him. I just need to be there for him." I said. 

"Let me drive you." Will suggested. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

Will nodded seriously. "I'm trying to let you do your own thing but I'm still gonna look out for you." He said. 

I smiled, "Okay, let's go." I replied. 


For the second time today I pulled up to Gordon Gardens, this time Will in tow. 

As I walked along the path, I found the place empty. There was still flowers on the ground and the benches were still knocked down, but besides the two of us, there wasn't a sole in sight. "Where is he?" I asked to myself aloud. 

I pulled out my phone, no messages. "Maybe he went back to Vanatta." Will suggested. 

"Maybe." I said, 'let's go." I replied. 

With convincing, Will agreed to give me some space by grabbing a bite to eat. When I got back to the room I found him on the bed, destroying the room. "Wesley!" I yelled. He acted as though he couldn't hear me. Wesley continued throwing picture frames and various knick-knacks on the floor. 

I tried to step closer to him, but he backed further away and smashed more things. I noticed he had picked up a picture of him, Gordon, and his parents. He looked at me, a drunken smirk on his face. "Wes, don't." I begged him. 

Looking me dead in the eye, he smashed the picture on the floor, sending glass flying. 

"Leave!" He yelled. 

I shook my head, "No! I'm here to help you and make sure you're okay." I stated firmly. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Because I love you! Wesley I know you're having a hard time right now okay. Please stop giving me a hard time! I'm trying to help you but I can't do it if you're pushing me away." I said.

"Well it's what I do, I push. Have you wondered why I always had a new girl before you? Well I push people away, it's what I do! If I wanted you that much I would change, I wouldn't push you away. But here I am pushing! Do you get the hint now?" He sneered, his voice colder and more venomous than I ever thought possible.

I sighed, "Fine! If that's what you want. I'll leave you alone!" I yelled. 

"Good!" He yelled back as I slammed the door. 

And with that I didn't know what was left between the two of us. 

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