Chapter 25

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**2 Weeks Later**


I hadn't spoken to Wesley since that night. No calls, no texts, no visits nothing. He hasn't even tried to reach me and I didn't know how or what I should do. 

Now it was time to start school again and I was a nervous wreck. What was it going to be like between Wes and I? Were we even still a couple? Would he be drunk again? These questions burned through my head in a vicious cycle. 

I was fairly quiet on the drive back to school, I was in the passenger seat, Will was driving. Will squeezed my shoulder, "You okay there B?" He asked gently. 'Nervous to see Wesley?" He guessed.

"That obvious?" I asked weakly.

He just shrugged, confirming it. As the large Vanatta University sign greeted us, I felt my breathing hitch. "I don't wanna be here." I moaned. 

Will quickly parked the car, then turning to me. "What happened that night when you found him in the dorm?" Will asked me seriously.

 "Nothing, just a disagreement." I told my brother, rubbing my temples warily. 

"Had to be a hell of a disagreement." Will countered. 

His eyes bore into mine, he wasn't going to give up. "He pushed me away,' I whispered. 'I tried to help him and comfort him, and he just pushed me away." I spoke so softly I wasn't sure if Will could hear me. 


The walk to my dorm seemed like an eternity, my heart thudding harder and harder with every step I took.

Slowly I walked down those familiar halls, one step closer, two step closer.

Suddenly I was outside the door. I took a deep breath and turned the knob. I walked in slowly and saw Wesley in there. My heart started pounding again, "Hi," I mumbled quietly. 

"Hey," He mumbled back, not bothering to look up from his phone. I stepped in further and set down my bag, taking a look around the room. 

Our room was still a mess from when I left it two weeks prior. Glass was on the floor, clothes scattered in piles, it was gross. "Wesley what is with the room?" I asked, stepping over a pile of clothes. 

"What do you mean?" Wesley asked innocently. 

"The room is a mess! There's glass on the floor!" I exclaimed. 

"I'm glad your eyes work." He said snidely. 

So he was still pushing me away.

My heart hurt at this, Wesley was still going to push me away. I understood he was upset the other day, but I would not be treated poorly. "Okay Wesley that's enough." I said. 

"Enough what?" He tested. 

"Enough with the attitude and treating me like I'm nothing to you." I said firmly. 

Wesley finally looked up at me. "I'm not doing anything wrong! I told you this is what I do. You're dating me, just accept that this is how I am." He said heatedly. 

I shook my head, "This is not who I am dated. This guy before me is not the Wesley I fell in love with." I stated. 

Wesley shrugged nonchalantly, "Well this is who I am." 

"Then I can't be with you right now." I stated. I could not believe I just said that. I knew I had to be firm. 

Wesley's face whitened and he looked taken aback. After a moment his face returned to its same coldness. "Fine, I guess that's it." He said angrily. 

"I guess it is." I said, equally heated. 

He then turned away from me, back to his phone. I felt as if the world had stopped, all I heard was silence, like a deafening roar in my ear. 

I needed something to distract me so I went into my closet and pulled out a a brush and pan to start sweeping up the glass. 

Wesley and I continued in silence, the only sounds being the brush whisking up the glass. I tossed random pieces of clothes as I continued sweeping. 

Suddenly I felt a slashing pain in my palm. I had cut my hand on a piece of glass that I didn't see when throwing a shirt aside. "Ow!" I yelped, clutching my now bleeding hand. 

"What happened?" Wesley asked worriedly, jumping out of his seat on his bed to look at my hand. 

He grabbed my hand to look at it. I still felt a zap of electricity when he touched me, but I had to remember what had just happened. "Let me clean this up, I have some disinfectant." Wesley said. I then snapped back to reality, out of Wesley's trance. 

I snatched my hand away, "Don't." I snapped. 

Wesley sighed, "C'mon Blair just let me clean it and bandage it." He said wearily. 

I shook my head, "No, I don't want your help." I bit. 

"Blair-' He started before I cut him off. 

"Just leave me alone Wesley." I said, standing up and quickly walking out the door. 

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