Chapter 40

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AN: This is the final chapter (and the epilogue is attached!!) :( I'm sad to see it end, but I want to thank everyone who's read, voted, commented, or even glanced at this story. You're all wonderful and have truly touched me. I mean it, thanks! Look for more stories from me! :)


  "The final decision of Wesley Foster's status here at Vanatta University is-'  My heart was beating, ready to come out of its cage. 

"Wes." Blair hissed, pinching my arm to get me to pay attention to me again. I shot her a grateful smile before looking back to the Dean. 

"Yes, so we have decided that you are clear of any further punishment following the altercations with Pete Brown." He announced. My body physically relaxed at this, a smile overcoming my face. 

"So I'm not going to be expelled?" I checked. 

The Dean nodded, "No you are not going to be expelled. You are free of punishment. However, I don't want to see you here again for something like this. I know you meant well, but violence is not the answer. You're smarter and better than that, please let yourself be better." He pleaded.

 I nodded quickly, "I promise, I will try to be better than how I've been acting. You won't see me again. Thank you sir, thanks a lot." I thanked him profusely. 

He nodded, a hint of a smile, tugging on his lips, "You're welcome, but you should also thank your father and Ms. Fairbanks, they really helped with your case." He said. 

The three of us walked out of the dean's office, when we finally let out a unanimous sigh of relief. "I'm so glad that's over!" I said, as we stepped outside. The two nodded in agreement, but then I stopped them, "So what did you guys do?" I asked them. 

"Well we went over the school policies and code of conduct on fighting, then I recalled what happened with Pete in detail, then we just talked up a storm about you. But your Dad really saved us." Blair said with a smile. 

I looked between the two of them, and I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to hug my dad. We had yet to take that step since we reconnected, and I could feel the immediate surprise in dad. But soon, he squeezed me right back, patting me on the back. 

"I have to admit something." He said as we broke apart. My stomach felt nauseous. 

He laughed lightly, "No nothing bad." 

My shoulders drooped comfortably again, "I was gonna say, that Blair is giving me to much credit, and not enough credit for herself. She did all the work, looked up all the school guidelines, accounted for the incidents. I was just helping with the law aspects. Blair here is a keeper." He admitted, pointing to my blushing girlfriend. 

I stepped closer to her and grabbed her hands, "Blair, I can't believe you went to all the trouble." I admitted. 

"You're worth it Wes. I believe in you." She said quietly, looking down at our intertwined hands. 

I gently lifted her chin up, "You're incredible, you know that right?" I asked her. She blushed, god she was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"I love you Blair Fairbanks. You are such a good person, and I'm so glad that you couldn't change roommates." I told her sincerely. 

Blair grinned so all of her teeth were showing. "You are so cheesy. What happened to that tough bad boy I got stuck with as a roommate in September?" She teased. 

I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears, "He just fell in love with some perfect girl." I responded, leaning down and kissing the girl that I was gonna be with the rest of my life. 





"Are you sure that you want to go yet? You could always just stay home for a year?" I suggested to my son as we drove towards his new home, college. 

"Mom!" He groaned. I may have already asked him this question once, or twenty, times before. I didn't want my baby to go, sue me. 

"Are you saying you want to deprive our son the right to party, meet hot girls, or better yet meet an incredibly beautiful girl who becomes his roommate and then for some reason agrees to be his girlfriend." My husband piped in, pulling into the familiar gates. 

"Shut up Wes." I teased lightheartedly. He picked up my hand and kissed it gently, eyes never straying from the road. My heart still fluttered whenever he did sweet gestures like that. 

"Eww why do you have to do so much PDA? Normal parents never touch each other." Our son groaned, covering his eyes. 

"Oh hush. You would be all over her if she was your wife, she's hot." Wesley retorted. 

"Gross Dad." He said. We chuckled at that.

"Oh look, a perfect spot!" Wesley said, pulling in to an empty spot close to registration. 

I stepped outside and took a breath of the fresh Californian air. Vanatta University still looked as beautiful as ever, and now our son would be attending it, our alma mater. 

Crowds of kids and families filled the entrance. Excited chatter, tearful goodbyes, and welcome calls echoed the campus. 

We quickly got our son situated, and I was finally starting to see some nerves set on his face. "Do you think this is a good idea?" He asked as he looked around his dorm room. 

Wesley walked over to him, and ran a hand through his buzzed brunette hair, "Of course, you're gonna love it here, and you're gonna do so well. Just look at how your mother and I turned out. We had so much fun, learned a lot, and had great adventures, you will too." Wesley encouraged. Our son smiled, and his confidence seemed to be restored. 

Wesley was always a great father, and it was sexy, I continued falling more in love with him everyday. 

A few hours later, it was getting dark, and it was time for parents to go. I couldn't help but get teary-eyed. "Mom, please don't cry. I'm not that far away and I'll come home often." He promised, hugging me. 

"I know, and I am so proud of you. I'm just gonna miss you, you're my baby." I said, squeezing him tightly, kissing his hair. 

"Let me have a moment with our son." Wes cut in, hugging him tightly as well. 

As we broke, the three of us just stared at each other for a moment. "Well I should probably go. I'll call you tomorrow, I love you Mom and Dad." He said, giving us one last squeeze. 

"We love you too Gordon." I told our son. He smiled and waved, heading off to start his own journey. 

Wesley kissed my forehead as we turned back to our car, his arm wrapped lazily around my shoulder. "What now?" I asked quietly, my voice wobbly. 

"Well now we're roommates again, and I'm gonna rock your world Blair Foster." Wesley smirked. 

I laughed, it was a good life.

~~~THE END~~~

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