Chapter 6

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Warning! Sensitive scene later!



I was studying with Wendy in my dorm room when Wesley came barging in with a girl. It was a completely different girl from a few weeks ago. The girl was dressed in a tight black pencil skirt and a white top that hung off her shoulders dangerously low. 

Wendy looked stunned, and I realized this was our cue to relocate somewhere else. "Wendy let's take a break and get something to eat." I suggested, closing my textbook and grabbing my jacket. Wesley shot me a grateful look on our way out and I nodded. 

We walked through the hallway in silence until Wendy spoke up. "Is your roommate dating Wesley Foster?" She finally asked. I just remembered that I've never told Wendy my roommate situation. 

"Uhh, that girl isn't my roommate, Wesley is." I said. 

Wendy stopped dead in her tracks, "What?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Wesley's my roommate." I restated. 

"How? What? Why? How?" She asked excitedly. I chuckled at my friend's energetic curiosity.

"Let's get food and sit and I'll explain everything." I promised her.

As soon as we sat down, Wendy was bursting at the seems, "Okay, explain!" She demanded. 

"Wendy I can promise it's not that exciting, but basically we've been paired together since our first night. I was like freaked out and our second day we went to administration to see if we could get a change, but there weren't any other rooms available unless one of us moved off campus. Neither of us are interested in that so here we are, roommates." I explained. 

Wendy looked amused, "How is that, sharing a room with Wesley Foster?" She asked. 

I shrugged, "Like I said, I was so nervous at first and uncomfortable, but it's fine I guess. He does his thing, I do mine," I said. 

"What about your parents? What did they say? My parents would flip out and cause like a huge scene." Wendy said. Guilt washed over me, I still hadn't told my parents or will about Wesley. 

"You haven't told them have you?" She asked and I shook my head. 

"The hardest thing is that my older brother Will is an upperclassman here and he still doesn't know either. I'm more scared of him knowing than my parents. He's always been really overprotective." I said. 

"That's tough. I only have a little sister, so I don't know how the brother thing really works." Wendy said. 

We continued eating food until I hear my name called. I looked up and saw Will from across the hall, and I waved him over. "Speaking of my brother, he's coming over right now." I said. 

Will strode over and pulled out a seat, "I hope I'm not interrupting," He stated as he sat down. 

I smiled at my big brother, "No you're always welcome." I said. I turned to Wendy, "Wendy this is my big brother Will, and Will this is my friend Wendy." I introduced the two. They shook hands and greeted each other politely. 

"So are you Blair's roommate?" Will asked as he plucked a fry off my plate. 

Wendy shook her head, "No, I'm over in Green Hall." Wendy answered. 

"That's where I was freshman year." Will said. He then turned to me, "B, I have still yet to meet your roommate." He pointed out. 

'You're never gonna meet him.' I thought to myself.

I turned to Wendy, "Yeah, well Wendy and I have to go, we have a big Sociology test tomorrow that we need to study some more on, so I'll see you later." I ramble, not even pausing for a breath before I yanked Wendy out of the hall. 


When I returned back to my dorm a couple hours later I was surprised to find Wesley alone, sitting on the bed, texting someone. 

"Hey Wes," I greeted as I kicked off my shoes. Wesley didn't reply as he was still absorbed in his phone. I shrugged and headed to the bathrooms to get changed into pajamas.  

The bathroom was fairly quiet, which I found very peaceful. I turned on a shower, letting the hot air relax and loosen my tight muscles. 

My eyes were closed as I raked my fingers through my hair, letting the shampoo set into my hair. All of a sudden I felt two arms wrap around my body. I jumped, and faced the person, a guy I didn't know. "Get out!" I screamed. 

The guy gave me a sloppy grin as he stepped closer to me, "I've seen you around here a lot." He slurred, obviously intoxicated. 

"Well this is the bathroom for this floor so no shit I use it." I snapped, hoping it would get him to leave me alone. 

"Feisty girl. I like it." He purred.

 I could feel my heart rate go up, and I was starting to panic. I tried to side step around him but one arm blocked the exit and the other had a tight grip on me. "Let me go." I ordered him, hoping my voice sounding more convincing than I felt. 

"Hey, we're just gonna have some fun, no need to get all fidgety." He said casually, leaning in to me.

"Please, no. I just want to get out." I begged him. He ignored my pleas and started kissing my neck, pinning me against the wall of the shower. I felt like I was drowning, his strength holding me in place. "Please stop!" I pleaded, my voice wobbling. His fingers started trailing down my body and my breathing was erratic. 

He was about to thrust himself onto me when suddenly he was pulled back, flying onto the floor. 

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