Chapter 37

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AN: Some language! Surprise up a day earlier than I thought I'd get it up!


What the hell was Wesley's dad doing here? I thought to myself. I followed behind him and jogged into the building. I didn't think Wesley's dad knew which dorm was ours but I knew that he'd find him. I quickly pulled my phone out and dialed Wesley's number. 

"Hello?" He answered groggily. 

"Hey. Your dad's here." I answered seriously. 

"What?" Wesley sounded fully awake now. 

"I saw your Dad, and he's in the building." I reported. 

"Crap! Why? What? How?" Wesley blurted quickly. "Where are you Blair? I need you now." He begged. 

"I was just out for a run. I'm in the building now, I'm coming to our dorm. I'll be there in a second." I told my boyfriend, quickly jogging up the stairs to the third floor. 

When I got to the third floor there was no sign of Mr. Foster so I quickly slipped into our room. Wesley was pacing back and fourth rapidly, and his face was pale. "Hey,' I greeted him.

"Why is here? How did he know what building my dorm is in? I just-' I cut his rambling off by holding his hand. 

"I don't know Wes, but we'll find out. It's only a matter of time before he finds your room." I shrugged. 

As if on cue, there was a pounding on the door. Wesley gulped and looked at me- he was scared like a child. My heart ached for him. "I'll get it." I whispered to him, and he just nodded weakly, taking a seat on his bed. 

I slowly opened the door and found myself across from Mr. Foster. Though I expected him to look as he normally did, I was pleasantly surprised to find that he did not smell like alcohol, had clean clothes on, and didn't seem drunk at all. 


"What are you doing here dad?" Wesley interrupted me, coming up behind me.  

"It's good to see you too son." Mr. Foster deflected. 

"Spare me the small talk crap, what are you doing here?" Wesley re-asked, his tone snappy. Mr. Foster chuckled, and I was starting to get worried, Wesley was already tense and Mr. Foster's over casualty was going to really start pushing Wes's buttons.

"I got a call from the school. You were arrested Wesley?" He asked. Wesley's face paled, and I swear you could hear a pin drop because of how still the room went. 


Shit. Dad knew I had been arrested. I still didn't get why he was here though, he didn't care what I did these past couple of years- why now?

"Yep." Was the only answer I could manage out. Dad ran a hand through his grey hair, "Why?" He asked. 

I shrugged, but couldn't help but feel defensive, I had no idea what Dad's intentions were. "Some guy was harassing Blair. I told him to stop, he did it again, I gave him a reminder of who he was messing with." I explained, crossing my arms. 

Dad looked between Blair and I. His face was unreadable, and it was making me anxious. 

"Well though I'm not happy that you were arrested, and I never promote violence- I'm glad that you stuck up for Blair." He started. I was stunned, that's not at all what I had expected, and from the surprised look on Blair's face, I don't think she expected it either. 

Dad chuckled, "I'll admit that I did the same thing for your mother when were in our twenties, except for her it was some creepy coworker." He recalled fondly of the memory. 

"Dad..' I started slowly, reaching for Blair's hand. "What are you doing here?" I asked, desperate for an answer, something to make sense of this all. 

"I'm in a 12 Step Program for Alcoholics Anonymous and have started therapy." He admitted. 

I was stunned, but curious. "One of our steps is to apologize to those we love and make wrongs right. So here I am. I'm so sorry Wesley for everything. Ever since Gordon passed away, I've been a wreck, and a shit father to you. I can't believe the things I did and said to you, I'm sorry. I love you, you're my son and it's about time that I start acting like a father towards you again." Dad spilled everything out and I noticed his eyes glistening. 

I hadn't even noticed how tight my grip on Blair had been until after I came back to reality. Dad also looked towards Blair. "I also wanted to apologize to you Blair. When we first met I was really unpleasant and you got knocked over, then when you came looking for Wesley I was rude. I am very sorry for my behavior. I think you're a great girl and are good for my son. He's lucky to have you." Dad told her honestly. 

Blair smiled, "Thank you. I accept your apology. Let's start fresh." She said. 

Dad gave her a grateful smile, "I would love that." He told her politely. 

Dad then looked at me, his eyes hopeful. I looked at Blair and her eyes were warm and encouraging. I looked back towards dad. "I've missed you.' I admitted, and his eyes sparkled. 'It may take some time to get back to where we were, but I'd like to try. I forgive you, let's start getting to know each other again." I told him. 

Dad smiled, a true smile like the one he always had on his face before Gordon passed. I was starting to feel a tiny bit better, and hopeful for my family, something I thought would never happen.

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