Chapter 4

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*Warning: Some minor language**


The rest of the day went by smoothly and I found that I enjoyed almost all of my classes. Will and I had already planned to meet up for dinner after my first day so I was glad to have some plans. I was meeting Will a this really good Italian restaurant that was famous for their meatballs, but I wasn't meeting him until 6:30 so I decided to head back to the room to do some homework. 

With my new syllabuses I decided I'd get ahead of some assignments to make sure I didn't fall behind, especially this early into the year. I pulled out my history textbook and read the first sections, taking notes and the questions. 

I plugged my headphones into my phone and blasted music so I didn't even hear Wesley come in. 

I looked up when I felt a weight on my bed and found Wesley sitting on the other end. I pulled out one ear bud and looked at him. "What?" I asked. 

"Do you have the notes from Sociology, Statistics, and History?" He asked me. 

I rolled my eyes, "Did you pay attention at all today?" I asked him. 

He gave me a lazy grin and shook his head, "I was.. distracted." He answered with a smirk, as if thinking about something. 

"Hey why would I take notes on the first day, especially when I have a roomie like you?" He said lightly. 

He looked over at my papers everywhere, "Wait are you doing homework?" Wesley asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I looked at the syllabus so I could get a head start." I shrugged. 

Wesley burst out laughing, "Why? We have nothing due tomorrow. You really are a nerd." He laughed again. 

Wesley quickly leaned over and grabbed my notes. "Hey!" I protested, trying to grab them back. 

Wesley leaned farther away from me. "I need these!" Wesley protested back.

 I looked at my phone and saw it was about 6:15. I sighed, "Fine, you can borrow them. But I expect them back on my desk by tonight. I stood up and slid on my shoes. 

"Where are you going?" Wesley asked. 

"Out, unlike you who will be staying in to use those notes before you return them." I replied sassily, heading straight out the door. 


When I arrived at the restaurant, I saw Will already sitting at a table. He saw me and sat up and waved. I quickly headed over and sat down. "So how was your first day?" Will asked me as I sat across from him. 

"Pretty good. I had my first sociology lecture hall today and I really like my professor. I also met this girl named Wendy, she's a Psych major and is really nice and cool." I rambled, Will listening the whole time. 

"That's great Blair. I knew you'd love it here. I remember taking Sociology 101 freshman year for my general education requirements, Professor Black is pretty cool." He commented. "What about your roommate? Did she finally come?" Will asked me. I panicked, Will has always been an overprotective big brother, just hanging out with a group of friends could turn into a nightmare if there was even just one boy around. He was gonna freak when he realized my roommate situation. 

Instead I went with distraction, I faked a coughing fit. 

I thought I was pretty convincing, though I managed to cause a bit of a scene. 

"Are you okay?" Will asked, concernedly. 

Continuing my act, I threw in another cough and nodded my head. "Could I just have a drink?" I asked, making my voice sound hoarse. Will nodded and called over the waiter. 


The rest of dinner went by smoothly, and luckily Will didn't question me about my roommate or my elaborate coughing fit again. 

Will had a student leader meeting, so we finished our meal and split off for the night. Despite it being really early, I was getting a little tired so I decided I'd just head back to my room for the night. 

I unlocked the dorm door, and for the second time, I dropped my keys after looking at Wesley's side of the room. On his bed was Wesley, on top of a girl who was clearly naked. The girl shrieked and ripped up the covers to cover herself. 

"Oh my god!" I said. 

"Who the hell are you?! Get the fuck out!" The girl screamed at me, her face furious. 

Wesley had yet to say something until we both glared at him. "What?" He asked innocently. 

"Wes, who is this girl? She asked, clearly annoyed that I was still here. 

"This is my room." I stated awkwardly. 

"What?" She asked, clearly confused. 

"Wesley and I are roommates." 

She looked between the two of us, and quickly grabbed her clothes that were in a pile on the floor. She threw on her stuff and quickly stormed out of the room, leaving just the two of us again. 

I felt incredibly awkward, Wesley hadn't said anything and was just staring at me. Wesley was shirtless, giving me a view at his nicely toned and sculpted body. He definitely worked out, and had about the best body I had ever seen. "Are you done staring at me now?" He snapped. I coughed and ignored him, turning to my dresser before pulling out pajamas. 

"You know you just ruined my night, right?" He asked a second later. 

"You were supposed to be copying the notes I let you borrow." I reminded him. 

Now it was Wesley's turn to roll his eyes at me, "First of all you're not my mother. Second of all, back the fuck off, when I have company, make yourself useful and get lost." He bit out viciously. 

I was taken aback, but I could feel anger bubbling inside me. "Excuse me? This is my room too, I will be in it any damn time I please." I snapped back. 

"Yeah which is all the time because you're a fucking loser who's going to spend forever alone." He retorted. Wesley's works stabbed me like sharp knives all over. I was beyond stunned, and felt tears welling up in my eyes. 

I was not going to let an asshole like Wesley see that he hurt me, so I spun on my heel and walked out of the room, ignoring Wesley's calls. 

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