Chapter 15

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It was starting to get dark by the time Wesley and I got back to campus. The rest of the day was just as perfect as the beginning of the date was. Wesley and I were giggly, as if we were drunk, drunk on each other's company. 

His fingers were laced with mine and we were swinging our intertwined hands playfully. Before we went into our dorm, Wesley stopped me and pressed me against the wall gently. "I had a lot of fun today." He said, his voice husky. 

I bit my lip and peered up at him, "So did I," I replied quietly. He kissed me, this one full of hunger and desire. 

"Should we bring this inside?" I asked in between kisses.

"Definitely." He replied, reaching behind me to open our door, never straying from my lips. 

He opened the door and we continued making out, completely absorbed in each other. That is until we heard a "BLAIR!" come out. We both jumped away from each other, and found ourselves face to face with Will and my parents. 

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep calm. 

"We wanted to talk to you about your roommate situation." Mom said awkwardly. 

"Wh-how did you even know about that?" I asked, before looking at Will who just nodded. 

"Will, what the hell?" I asked angrily. 

"Don't give me that anger Blair. I told you that you needed to tell them and you agreed!" He replied. 

"Yeah,  I said that I'd tell them, not you!" I snapped.

"That was weeks ago! I thought they already knew when I talked to them!" He said frustratedly. Will then narrowed his eyes at Wesley, who had an arm wrapped around my waist. "And you! Get your hands off my little sister!" He snapped. Wesley dropped his hand off me and I immediately missed his touch. 

"Will that's enough, calm down." My father finally spoke up. Will looked like he wanted to protest but instead sat down on my bed. 

Dad looked at me, "Now we didn't come here to yell at you or embarrass you and- Wesley right?" He asked, pointing at Wesley who nodded. 

Dad continued, "Your mother and I were just surprised when we heard, more about the fact that you didn't tell us. I thought we were closer." He said, his voice dropping at the end. 

I felt bad, I didn't mean to not tell my parents to hurt them. "I'm sorry, really. My intention was not to be secretive, I just forgot to tell you I guess. We've had no problems so I just didn't really think of it as a big deal." I admitted, shrugging my shoulders. 

My parents looked at each other, and then back at the two of us. It was then my mother's time to speak, "So Blair you know your father and I just want you and Will to be safe, and Wesley and you obviously seem comfortable with each other so we're fine with this arrangement. However, if what we saw when you two came in was any indicator of your relationship, it seems like you two are quite friendly.' I cringed at suggestive tone. 'And that's all fine if you treat each other well, but we just want you two to be safe whenever you get extra friendly." She finished. 

My face was hot and I bet I looked like a tomato. "Mom!" I shrieked, completely mortified. 

Wesley just smirked, obviously trying to hold in his laughter. Dad clapped his hands together, "Now that everything's settled, let's get dinner. Wesley you're welcome to join us." He said as he stood up. 

"Wait a minute, I'm not okay with this!" Will spoke up. "I don't want my little sister to be pressured and eventually hurt by this guy." Will said. 

I sighed and my parent's looked at their oldest child, "Will, please. Everything is good, we approve so you should too. Let's go get dinner." My dad said, trying to grasp his arm. 

Will snatched his hand away. "No, I am not going to stand by while you let this kid- a stranger sleep in the same room as Blair, alone, and be free to hurt her." He said. 

"Will, c'mon you don't need to worry about me, Wesley's a good guy." I promised. 

He shook his head, "I just can't right now. I need to go get some air." He said. 

"Will.." I protested quietly. It was no use, he walked out the door, leaving the four of us in silence.

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