Chapter 16

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My mind was a whirlwind of different thoughts and emotions. In once since I relieved my parents finally new about my roommate situation and were okay, while another part of me felt completely loopy and enchanted by Wesley and our date. Then there was the part of me that was upset and nervous about what was going on with Will. I didn't understand what was going on with him. He's always been very overprotective, but I'd had boyfriends before and he adjusted, after giving them a threat. So why was Wesley different?

I didn't have much time to think about that right now because I was still surrounded by Wesley and my parents. Mom and Dad both seemed uncomfortable right now so my dad cleared his throat and clapped his hands together. "Let's go get some dinner, it will give us a chance to get to know Wesley here." He said. I nodded my head mutely and we headed to the Italian restaurant. 

"So Wesley where are you from?" My dad asked after we had sat down at a round table. "Uhh Albuquerque, New Mexico." Wesley answered somewhat tentatively. 

"I've been there before, it's beautiful there." Mom said, and Wesley smiled, but he looked almost sad about it. 

"So you moved pretty far." Dad commented. Wesley stiffened but nodded slowly. I decided it was time to take some of the heat off from him so I decided to change the subject.

"So Dad, how have things been at work?" 



After dinner, my parents decided to head back home. Before they left mom privately told me to give Will some space. I nodded, but I knew it was going to be tough for me. 

We walked back to our room quietly and my mind kept straying off to Will. 

What are you thinking about Blair?" Wesley asked me as we headed into our dorm. 

"Will." I replied. 

"He'll come around. Just give him time." 

"I know, I know. I just don't understand why he's so upset." I said, plopping down on my bed. 

"Hey, he'll be fine,' Wesley cooed, rubbing a thumb over my cheek. "Do you want to finish what we started earlier?" He asked. I cracked a smiled and nodded. 

He leaned over and deepened the kiss, temporarily washing away my worries about my brother. 


After making out for a while we both started to get tired so we both went to bed. 

The next morning I got up early and decided to see Will. I couldn't wait any longer like Wes and Mom suggested. I knocked on the door to his townhouse gently. A moment later the door swung open and Quentin, one of Will's roommates opened the door. "Hey Blair." He greeted, stepping to the side to let me in. 

"I don't think Will is up yet but I'll go see." Quentin said. 

"Thanks Q." I replied softly. 

I sat on the couch and a moment later Will walked into the room. He looked exhausted, purple bags under his eyes and his short hair was sticking up in all different places. "Blair, what are you doing here?" He asked. 

I stood up, "I needed to see you and make sure we were okay." I said. Will sighed and pulled me in for a hug. 

Once he pulled away, "Let's go to my room." He said. 

"I'm sorry I stormed out like that." Will started before continuing. "I was shocked that mom and dad were so okay with it. I just, I don't want to see you get hurt." He said. 

"I know you don't and I appreciate that. I love that you look out for me Will, you're the best big brother but I just don't understand; you've always been overprotective but you've always gotten over it. Why are you having such a tough time accepting Wesley?" I asked him. 

"It's just different B. You feel something different with him, I can see it. But Wesley has a reputation, and I don't want you to become one of those girls if he doesn't feel as strongly about you as you feel about him." Will explained. 

I was taken aback for a minute. Will was right, Wesley did feel different to me, I felt something strong towards him. But I knew he had history with many different girls, many girls. And I thought I was okay with it. But was I willing to continue whatever was going on with Wes if it meant the possibility of just becoming another one of those girls?

AN: Sorry if this is a kind of short and boring chapter, but I hope to get another one up in the next day or so!

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