Chapter 21

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After that fiasco with Wesley's parents we drove in the car and he practically took off. Wesley ripped out onto the road and sped through the streets. 

He was going dangerously fast and I was starting to get a little worried. "Wes, slow down a bit." I told him. 

It seemed as if he didn't even hear me, his speed resumed. He kept speeding and got dangerously close to another car. "WESLEY SLOW DOWN!" I screamed, getting him back to reality. He swerved off the road and stopped the car. He got out and slammed the door. 

I was a little stunned, but I immediately sprung out of the car to find him. Wesley was crouched, his head in his hands. I approached him slowly, "Wes?" I started, coming towards him. 

"Please talk to me." I begged. 

I slowly crouched to his level and took his hands away from his face. His eyes were red rimmed and watery. Wesley wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand roughly, "I'm sorry." He mumbled, his voice wobbly. 

"For what? For crying? For trying? For having emotions? Wesley you have nothing to apologize for." I told him, cupping his chin.

"I just- it's been so long since I've been in that house and since I've talked about Gordon." He stuttered. It suddenly clicked- Gordon. Gordon Garden's, that's where Wesley took me on our first date. 

My heart both soared and broke at the same time. "Gordon was your brother?" I checked and Wesley nodded. "And Gordon Gardens?" I pressed. 

"Was a memorial I set up for him with my Uncle Richie." He answered, "I've never brought anyone there.. before you. Dad's never even been there." He grumbled. 

"Forget about him." I ordered, "You made something so beautiful for your brother, and I am honored that you brought me." I told him softly. 

Wesley finally cracked a small smile. "I knew you'd understand." He said to me, grabbing my hand and kissing my palm. 

I gently wiped his tears, and helped him stand back up, "C'mon let's go." I said, taking his hand in mine. 

"Where to?" He asked. 

"First I'm going to buy you food because I know you're probably hungry, and then we're going to my house." I said. 

"Your-your house? Are you sure? I can just go back to school, I don't want to intrude on your family time for the holidays. I-" I cut him off by kissing him. 

"You're coming to our house, it's settled, there's no way your're spending the holidays alone." I told him.

 "Okay, only if you're sure." He said, 

"I'm positive, now let's get food." I said. With that Wesley finally gave me a full grin. 


After we got some breakfast, I drove us straight to my house. 

Now an hour later we pulled into my neighborhood. Memories flooded back to me as I remembered the places I played, the friends I had, and my neighbors. "That's where my best friend lived." I said, pointing at a large blue house on my right. 

"Lived?" Wesley asked seriously. 

I saw his face, "No, no, she just moved to Washington our junior year." I explained, and he relaxed. 

We soon pulled up to my house. I smiled looking at all our usual Christmas decorations hung up. I parked Wesley's car and climbed out. "Are you sur-" Wesley started before I shot him a look. 

"If you ask me one more time Wes. My parents like you! It's going to be fine." I promised him. 

Wesley grabbed his bag, "What about Will?" He asked. 

"Will likes you as much he could possbily like any guy who's going out with me." I answered. 

Wesley nodded, "Okay, I'll accept it." He replied. 

We walked up the drive and I opened the door, letting us in. "Home!" I yelled as I kicked off my shoes. 

"Blair!" Mom greeted, heading to the front hall. 

She smiled, and then saw Wesley, "And Wesley!". 

"Hello Mrs. Fairbanks." Wesley greeted politely. 

Mom gave him a warm smile, "It's good to see you again honey. Are you staying for the holidays?" She asked him. I was relieved she asked that, she just reassured him that he was welcome here. 

After putting down his bag, Wesley followed Mom and I into the kitchen which dropped into our sunken living room. Will and Dad were on the couch, engrossed in the television. "Some sports game." Mom shrugged before going back to cooking. 

"It's not just some "sports game" Mom, it's the finals." Will said, rolling his eyes good naturally.

"Soccer?" Wesley asked quietly. 

"Yeah, do you like soccer?" Dad asked. 

"Love it." Wesley replied. 

"Take a seat." Dad replied. 

Wesley looked to me, I nodded and nudged him towards the boys. 


Three Days Later

"Wake up!" I whispered to Wesley as I sat on top of him. He was sleeping, but I was determined to wake him up, it was Christmas morning. 

"No, need sleep." He mumbled, not even opening his eyes. 

"But it's Christmas morning I whined childishly. 

"Key word being morning." He sassed back. 

I knew I had to take drastic measures. I leaned down and started kissing his neck slowly, sucking and nipping gently on his skin. 

I could feel him start to squirm. Finally he opened his eyes, "Okay, okay, you got me up." He laughed, his eyes sparkling. 

"Good, let's go downstairs." I squealed, clapping my hands playfully. 

Wesley continued to laugh, "God I love you." He said, then immediately he tensed up, and I froze. 

We had never said those words to each other before. My heart started thudding hard, butterflies exploding in my stomach. "I'm sorry- uh I don't want to scare you by moving so fast. I uh-" He stammered before I stopped him, "No Wes, I'm glad you said it. I love you too." I told him. 

Wesley blushed and gave a bashful smile, "You do?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded.

 "Good. I've been wanting to say it for a while now, but I've been scared. But now I can say it over and over again. I love you Blair Fairbanks."

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