Chapter 9

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***Warning: Language!!***


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I thought to myself, looking between both boys in front of me. "Wrong room, sorry." I blurted out, quickly attempting to turn around. 

"BLAIR FAIRBANKS!" My brother roared angrily, stopping me dead in my tracks. 

I cringed and turned around slowly. Will looked furious, his jaw clenched. "Well?" He demanded. 

"Well, it's good to see you Will, what are you doing here?" I asked casually. 

"When we got lunch you forgot your headband so I came here to return it and that's when I met your roommate." Will explained tightly, his voice turning sharper at the word roommate.

Wesley was quiet, and just looked between Will and I. "I'm sorry Will, I didn't mean to upset you but I knew how you'd be when you found out." I said. 

Will crossed his arms, "Just how would 'I be'?" He demanded to know. 

I rolled my eyes and pointed up an down at his angry demeanor, "Like this! All angry, demanding, and overprotective!" I replied. 

"Blair, you are my little sister, and this is college. I have a right to be protective and angry that you kept something like this a secret! Do Mom and Dad know?" He asked and I shook my head slowly. 

"Don't worry they will, and then we'll get you out of this room." He said. 

"No there aren't any dorm rooms left." I said. 

"I don't care, they'll either make room or we'll find something else for you. You're not staying here with this guy." Will said. 

I shook my head, "No I'm staying here, I like my room." I protested. 

"I'm sorry B, but if he won't leave, then you can't stay obviously." He stated. 


Will looked at me as if I was crazy, "Why? Because this is some random dude and I don't trust him." Will declared. 

"I would never do anything to hurt Blair." Wesley finally spoke up. 

Will shot him a death glare, "I didn't ask you dude, don't talk." Will snapped. 

I was getting fed up, "Will stop! Wesley is a good guy and I trust him. He has already protected me and looks out for me." I defended my roommate. 

Will's eyes narrowed, "How did he protect you?" He asked. 

Shit. Now I have to tell him about the bathroom incident.

"Umm, I didn't tell you the truth earlier. I knew about the guy who got beat up in the bathroom. Wesley beat him up and fended him off after Pete attacked me and tried to sexually assault me." I admitted. 

Will's face softened as he turned to Wesley, "Thank you for that, and I'm sorry for snapping at first. I appreciate you standing up for her, and protecting her from a prick like that guy. You can tell that she means the world to me so thank you. For now I'll let you two stay like this, but I swear to god if you hurt her in any way, I'll kick your ass so hard you won't be able to see straight." Will told Wesley before turning back to me. 

"B, you know we have to tell our parents. And I'm a little hurt that you not only didn't tell me about the incident, but then lied about it." Will said quietly. He stepped closer, "We're siblings, and best friends, you can tell me anything. I will always listen and want to help." He said. 

I felt so bad, "I'm sorry Will, truly. From now on complete honesty. I love you." I told him. 

He finally cracked a smile and opened his arms up, pulling me tight for a hug. "I love you too B." He said as we broke apart.

"Now I'm going to go have a little talk with Pete." He said, his voice sounding angry. 

I touched his arm, "Please Will, don't. I don't want you to get in trouble or hurt. Besides, Wesley got in some good hits on him." I told him. 

His face softened, "Fine, for you I won't. Now I'm going to get in the gym, I have to get this anger out." He smiled and kissed my forehead before heading out, leaving Wesley and I alone. 

"That was interesting." Wesley said, sounding like his normal self. I sighed in relief, glad that he wasn't put off by my brother. 

"I'm sorry about that," I apologized, "My brother and I are really close and he's always been overprotective." I explained. 

Wesley nodded his head and held up his hands, "Hey, no need to apologize I understand. I have a little brother, and I love that guy to bits, I'll always protect him." Wesley explained. 

That made me feel weird, I realized how little we knew about each other. "I didn't know you had a brother." I said. 

He looked at me, "I didn't know that you had a brother." He replied. 

"I guess we don't know that much about each other." I said. 

"Maybe we could get food and get to know each other more?" I suggested. 

Wesley looked surprised. "I'd like to, but I can't tonight. I'm going to a Frat party and meeting a girl from my Biology class." He said. 

I nodded, "Yeah no, I meant like some time, I can't do tonight either." I tried to cover up. Wesley nodded like he didn't really believe me, but he didn't press it further. 


After Wesley left, I paced around my room for a while before I decided to head to the cafeteria to get some food. Before I left I grabbed a book and headphones so I could entertain myself. 

I quickly got food and took a seat in a corner table. 

I was enjoying my food when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw a really cute boy standing there. He was tall, dark, and really good looking. "Sorry for standing here like a weirdo, but I think we're in the same Psychology class. I liked what you said the other day in class and I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Joey." He introduced. 

I smiled, "Thank you, I'm Blair. Do you want to sit?" I asked. He nodded and pulled out a seat across from me. 

We started talking and I found myself having a good time, forgetting about Wesley and who he was with. 

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