Chapter 8

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The next few days were uneventful and I was glad that there were no more incidents in the shower. I saw that guy once since, and his face had been bruised and puffy. He quickly darted away though once he saw me to my relief. 

Today I was gonna go to lunch with Will, who I hadn't seen for a while. I headed to the dining hall where I saw Will's blonde head of hair sitting facing away from me. Will and I didn't really look alike, I looked like our mom and he looked like dad so people at first never knew we were related. 

I poked his shoulder, getting him to look before I slid in the seat across from him, setting my tray down. "How are you?" I asked him. 

"I'm good, I'm working on this big project for my economics class and it's going really well. But what about you? How's freshman year going? Are you making friends? Are there any boys I should know about?" He questioned me. 

I chuckled, "I love it here, friend's are good." I replied, taking a bite of my chicken. 

He gave me a brotherly look, "You didn't answer my last question." He pointed out. 

I rolled my eyes, "No Dad, there are no boys." I said sarcastically. 

Now it was Will's turn to roll his eyes at me, "I'm your big brother, it's my job to look out for you." He defended himself. We were quiet for a moment, both eating our meals. 

Suddenly Will looked up, "I do have another question for you." He started. 

"Okay, shoot."

"Well I saw this sophomore, name's Pete I think, he got beat up pretty bad in one of the bathrooms in your dorm building. Do you know what happened? Were you there?" He asked. Pete, that was his name, the boy who tried to assault me. 

I felt guilty doing it, but I shook my head and replied, "No." I felt horrible for lying to him but if he knew the truth he'd go ballistic, and he'd probably do more damage than Wesley did. 

He didn't seem to notice my unease, "You feel safe there right?" Will asked me. I thought for a moment, and thinking about Wesley and how he looked out for me.

 I nodded, "Yes I do." I replied. He nodded, satisfied by my answer.

 "But B if you ever feel unsafe or need help, please don't hesitate to call me, anytime, I mean it." He said seriously. 

I smiled, "Thanks big bro." I said.


"I feel so guilty." I complained to Wendy and her roommate, also my friend, Mona. I was sitting on Mona's bed, hanging out with the two girls. 

Mona and Wendy looked at each other, "Maybe you should just tell him what happened. He is your brother." Wendy pointed out. I looked to Mona to see if she had any input but she only nodded her head in agreement with Wendy's statement.

I sighed and raked my hands threw my hair. "You're probably right, I should also probably tell him about Wesley too. 


After talking with the girls, I walked back to my dorm, I had an essay that I had to start. When I opened the door my heart stopped. There stood not only Wesley, but my brother Will. 

And Will looked pissed.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter, but I had to leave it here! Update will come soon!

 This is Mona! Played by Saoirse Ronan!

 This is Mona! Played by Saoirse Ronan!

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