Chapter 30

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I was currently being held by one large diner while Joey was held by another guy. Dishes, food, and glasses were strewn on the floor, some pieces were in broken bits.  I was fuming, I still wanted to get more hits in on that asshole. 

Campus security came and escorted us out of the restaurant. "Okay so what seems to be the issue tonight?" The officer asked tiredly. 

"Well I was just on a date with the girl, when this man shows up, uninvited may I add, and starts picking a fight with me. He came in aggressive and volatile." Joey explains, faking an upset tone. 

The officer looked between the two of us. "Where is the girl?" He asked. 

"She left." I spoke up sadly. 

The officer nodded, "Well it looks like both of you were actively involved in the dispute. Since this is the first time you've been in trouble, I'm going to let you both off with a warning. But if either of you get in trouble again, there will be more punishment. Are we clear?" He said gruffly. Both of us nodded and he let us go. 

As I turned away the officer called to me, "Hey you! C'mere a second." He requested. I turned back to him. "Can I give you some advice?" He asked. I nodded silently. "Get that girl and treat her right. Enough of this fighting nonsense. Women don't like that, it makes them feel like objects, which they aren't. Fight for her emotionally, get her and never let her go, she's obviously special to you." He advised with a slight grin. 

I nodded, "Thank you, I will sir." I thanked him before running off, off to win Blair back.


I made it back to the dorm room, sweaty and anxious over what just happened. Would Wesley still want me? Was he in big trouble? What's next? As I paced around our tiny room with these questions, I barely noticed the doorknob jingle open. 

"Blair?" Wesley's voice called. 

I whipped my head around, and found my lips crashing with Wesley's. I felt myself melt into him, electricity coursing through my body from his touch. My tongue poked at the front of his mouth, asking for entrance. His fingers through my hair, my hands cupping his face. 

"Blair." He moaned. I just continued kissing him, I wanted to be close to him. 

"We need to talk." He said in between kisses, pulling away from me slightly.


He took my hand and led me to his bed and we sat down. "I want to apologize for the fight and causing a scene.' He started, looking me in the eyes. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I also want to say sorry for what has happened between us. I've been pushing you away and I don't want to. I didn't mean to hurt you and I know I did. I'm sorry. I just have a hard time letting people in, ever sense Gordon passed. That's not an excuse, but it's the way I coped, cope. But I don't want to do that anymore, it doesn't work. Ever since I pushed you away I've been feeling worse, and I know now that I need you. I'm sorry Blair, truly." He finished, squeezing my hand. 

Wesley's face was genuine, I knew he meant what he said. I had missed him too and I knew he's what i wanted. 

"I forgive you. I missed you." I told him, leaning closer to him. 

"So you'll take me back?" He asked hopefully. 

I bit my lip and nodded, "The roomies are back together again." I said. Wesley's face curled up into a smirk, and we both leaned in to each other. 


The next day, I practically shot out of bed. I had slept better than I had in weeks. Wesley was still sleeping so I snuck out and went for a quick run. 

When I returned Wesley was still asleep so I decided it was time to wake him up. He looked adorable when he was sleeping, but I quickly crept on top of him. 

I decided to ignore the gentle route and shook him. "Get up!" I called obnoxiously. Smiling, he slowly opened up his eyes. 

"Sweaty already? And I haven't even done anything. I really am good." He smirked cockily. 

"Oh hush you." I grinned, leaning over him and kissing him, my hair falling around us. 

"Seriously though why are you sweaty?" 

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