Chapter 39

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"Well the school board and I are going to investigate and discuss, but we could be talking about expulsion." The Dean informed me gravelly.

"Expulsion?!" I squeaked, stunned at what I just heard.

"Well we don't like doing it and rarely do we expel students, but here at Vanatta we also don't like violence. We'll meet again in a few days, but for now you are dismissed Mr. Foster." He excused me, turning his attention to his computer. 

I got up and practically floated out of his office, in a zombie like trance. I was angry, I didn't do anything wrong, I was just protecting my girlfriend for fuck's sake. But I was also worried, what if I did get expelled?

Blair's eyes darted up towards me as I stepped out of the dean's office. "Well?" She asked, standing up towards me. 

Seeing my face, she quickly grabbed my hand, "Come, let's talk about it in our room." 


"Expulsion?!" I screamed as I finished explaining everything to her. He nodded, still unable to believe that it was a possibility. "What is wrong with them? You were defending me! Who knows what could have happened in that bathroom if you hadn't stepped in!" I exclaimed. 

He ran a hand through his short hair, "I know, I know." He said. 

"I'm going to try and help anyway I can babe." I promised him. 

He gave me a grateful, but sad smile. 

I was not going to let Pete get Wesley expelled- not on my watch. 



The next day I woke up exhausted. I was tossing and turning, thinking about Wesley and the school board. The whole thing wasn't right. Wesley wasn't a bad person, he wasn't violent. He was sweet and defended me. 

I knew one thing to do- I was gonna get Wesley's dad to help. I looked him up once and it appeared that Mr. Foster was once a successful lawyer, and I thought he could help. 

"Hello?" Mr. Foster's voice greeted, sounding tired. 

"Hello, it's Blair Fairbanks." I started. 

"Hi Blair. What's wrong? Is Wesley okay?" He asked, concern in his voice. 

"I really hope so. But I could use your help." I started.

Wesley has been quiet and edgy all day. I don't blame him at all though. Luckily I had a plan though, and Mr. Foster was going to help me. 


"Where are you going?" Wesley asked me as I finished touching up my makeup.

"Out to help get you in the clear with the school." I answered, slipping on my shoes.

"Wait what are you going to do?" He asked worriedly. I just squeezed his cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips. 

"You'll find out soon." I said, heading out the door. 

I walked to the coffee shop on campus where Mr. Foster was already waiting for me. He was dressed in a plain black suit, that though was a bit snug on him, did highlight his handsomeness, showing clearly where Wesley got his good looks from. 

"Hello Blair." He greeted professionally. 

"Hi Mr. Foster, thanks for meeting me." I said appreciatively, pulling a seat out across from him.

"Please call me Bill." He requested. 

"Okay, Bill.. where do we get started?" I asked, ready to get started on Operation Keep Wesley in College.

"Okay, so first of all, you'll probably need to confirm and account for the incidents with Pete." He started and I nodded. 

"Okay I can do that." I responded. 

"Then we should probably look in the school's hand book and code of conduct to get some based rules." He continued. 

I pulled out thick packets from my bag, "I already got started." I said. 

Bill smiled, "You are so good to Wesley, I'm so glad he has someone like you in his life he deserves it. Especially after everything I've put him through." He finished sadly. 

"Hey, you're trying now, that's what matters." I told him, and Bill finally gave me a real smile. 



The Dean called me down to his office a few days later. I was nervous to say the least. I had no idea what was going to happen, and Blair was nowhere to be found, so I couldn't even bring her along for support. 

I slowly walked over to the administration building, dreading what was to come. I passed the same secretary, ready to just take a seat in the waiting room of torture when she stopped me. "Wesley Foster?" She questioned and I nodded. 

"You can just go straight in the dean's office, he's waiting for you." She informed me. 


I felt as if I was walking to my death. My palms were sweating and my heart racing, I just needed Blair right now to calm me down. 

I turned the knob slowly and strolled in. 

Blair and dad were in the office, sitting in two seats across from the dean, one in the middle empty for me. 

"Come, have a seat Wesley." 

I sat down slowly, Blair looked at me, calming me down a bit instantly. 

"We wanted all three of you here for this," The dean started, and I gulped. This sounded bad. 

"The final decision of Wesley Foster's status here at Vanatta University is-'

AN: First of all, I have to say you guys are amazing with all your reads, votes, and comments! You're awesome! 

Second of all, I'm sad to say this story is almost over :( It's been so special to me and I'm sad to see it end, but don't worry, new stories are coming!

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