Chapter 18

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**Two Months Later**


Wesley and I had been going strong since we went on our first date two months earlier. It was now December and finals were coming up. Currently I was studying for my Sociology final with Wes in our room. 

"C'mon you know this," I encouraged Wesley. 

Right now we were quizzing each other because we both shared that class, "Um 1922?" Wesley guessed. 

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. "So, I'm right?" He asked, and I nodded, biting my lip. 

Wesley smirked at me, "Okay, I think we need a break." He said. 

I arched my eyebrow at him playfully, "Is that so? What should we do then?" I teased. Wesley took my textbook out of my hand and leaned closer to me, kissing me softly at first, then deepening the kiss. 

His tongue poked at my mouth, asking for entrance. We were closer to each other, and he stoked my cheek, as his warm lips crashed against mine. 

Things were getting heated when my phone rang, causing both of us to jump. I picked it up, still next to Wesley, his pink lips swollen.

 "Hello Blair." Mom greeted me on the phone.

"Hey Mom," I replied, smoothing out my hair. 

"I was just calling to make sure that you and Will are still all set for break." She said. 

"Yeah Will and I are leaving campus on the 15th and will be home around 1 p.m.." I explained to her. 

"Okay, that's all I wanted to check. I'll talk to you later hon." She said.

We said our goodbyes and then I hung up and returned to my handsome boyfriend. I straddled Wesley's lap, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "So what are you doing for the holidays?" I asked him. 

"I'm not sure yet." He answered, burying his head into my neck and kissing it. 

"What do you mean 'you're not sure yet'?" I asked him. He didn't reply and instead just continued kissing me.

I pushed his chest back a bit to get Wesley to look at me. "Well?" I asked. 

"I might just stay for the holidays and break." He shrugged, trying to pull me back in. 

"No, no, no. No trying to distract me Wes. Why wouldn't you go home for the holidays? And now that I come to think of it, why don't I know anything about your family or home?" I asked curiously. 

I tried to rack my brain for any moment where Wesley mentioned anything about home, but I came back empty. Wesley was silent for a moment, his eyes far away, lost in his own thoughts. 

"Wes?" I nudged lightly. "I've told you all about my family. And you know you can tell me anything." I said gently. 

His brown eyes finally looked up into mine. "I just don't like talking about them." Wesley admitted. 

"Why?" I pushed further. 

"Because I just don't!" Wesley yelled at me, his face angry. 

I hopped off his lap in surprise. I was a little scared, I didn't mean to upset him so much. Wesley's eyes softened and he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "I'm sorry Blair. I didn't mean to snap. My family- my family is just a sore spot for me." He admitted weakly. I stroked his strong face, which for the first time seemed vulnerable and weak. 

"Do you not get along with them?" I asked, trying to be careful. 

He looked lost in thought again before answering, "I love them, things are just complicated, they have been for almost two years."

"Maybe the holidays are the perfect time to un-complicate them and clear things up." I suggested. 

"I just don't think that's possible." Wesley said, his voice barely a whisper. 

"Wesley, whatever you're dealing and struggling with won't go away or heal until you face it." I told him. He nodded, and looked at me, a sad smile on his face. 

"Will you come home with me to see my parents for a few days? I don't think I could do it without you." He admitted. 

Right then and there I knew I had to go, Wesley needed to confront whatever his demons were, and I was going to help him. 

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