Chapter 26

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I had to get out of that room. I had no idea who that guy was, I just knew it wasn't Wesley. I knew he was hurting still from the loss of Gordon, but now I was hurting too. I headed to the infirmary to get a bandage and then I decided to see Wendy and Mona. 

I knocked on the girl's door and Wendy quickly opened the door up. "What happened to your hand?" Wendy asked, concern in her voice. 

"Oh I just cut it, just an accident." I explained nonchalantly. 

"So how were your breaks?" I asked Mona and Wendy as I took a seat on Wendy's bed. 

"Good." They chirped unanimously. 

Mona then started telling us a story about her grandmother and her little brother. I finally started laughing for the first time in days. 

"Hey didn't you meet Wesley's parents over break? How was that?" Wendy asked. 

"Well, we broke up today so.." I started. 

Wendy and Mona's face dropped, "Oh god, I'm sorry B. I didn't mean to be nosy." Wendy apologized quickly. 

I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I could actually use you girls to talk to." I said. 

Wendy sat closer to me, "Okay spill." She pushed.


I left Wendy and Mona's room a few hours later to grab some dinner before I headed back to my room. I was dreading going back to our room, I didn't want to see Wesley. 

I slowly headed to the dining hall and grabbed myself some pasta and a corner table. I sat and people watched. I saw Joey strolling into the hall, with a couple of guys I didn't recognize. I tried to look away and avoid eye contact. To my misfortune, today was not my day and he started heading over my way. 

"Hey Blair." Joey greeted casually, his gang behind him. 

"Hi.." I said slowly. 

"How have you been?" He asked. 

"Why are you here?" I asked with a bite. 

Joey looked taken a bit aback and he turned to his friends, asking them quietly for a minute alone. 

"Blair c'mon why can't you forgive me?" He asked as soon as his friends were out of earshot. 

"Don't you know I'm taken." I said, avoiding his questions. 

"That's a lie." Joey shot back. How would he know that? We just broke up this morning. 

"How did I know that?" He asked as if he had read my mind. 

I just blinked at him. "I was at the Kappa Delta Chi Frat party and saw your little Foster making out with some hottie. I booked it here, now that you're available." He explained. My heart was crumbling, head pounding.

 "You're lying." I told him, not wanting to believe him. 

Joey smirked, knowing he was breaking me. "Yeah? Why don't you go to the party and see for yourself." He shrugged. 

"Leave me alone Joey." I said weakly, standing up and walking away from him. 

As I got out of earshot from him I whipped out my phone and quickly texted Mona and Wendy to meet me outside Kappa Delta Chi.

As I walked over to Greek Row, I was nervous. I really wanted what Joey said to be false. I hoped he mistaked Wes for the wrong guy or he was lying to get back with me. 

I finally stood outside the large house, where I quickly spotted Wendy and Mona. "So what are we doing here?" Mona asked. 

"Well I was eating dinner in the dining hall when Joey came up to me' They rolled their eyes. "Joey's a dick." Mona said. I nodded, 'I know, I know, but anyways, he was saying he went to the party here and he saw Wesley making out with some girl. So now I just need make sure that he's full of shit like usual." I explained. 

"Wesley wouldn't so that to you B. Joey probably just wanted to get even because you broke up with him. That's what I'm hoping but I need to see for myself." I said. 

We headed into the house, the smells of sweat, perfume, and smoke overtaking me. Crappy remixes boomed into my ears. 

Kids were getting sloppy, the place was packed, I felt like a sardine in a can. 

"Now I know why I never go to these!" Mona yelled over the noise. Wendy and I both nodded in agreement. 

"I hate this too. I just need to know if he's here." I yelled back. 

Squeezing through the crowds of party-goers, I felt myself searching for that familiar face that has suddenly gone cold to me. 

I headed towards what I assumed was the living room area where there were couches packed with couples making out and sleeping kids. 

That's when I saw him

With her. 

My heart cracked into ten million pieces, and I could feel it happening. 

There was some blonde girl I didn't recognize with messy hair sitting on his lap the same way I like to. She was tugging at his lips with hers, Wesley's giant hands were through her hair. I stood frozen, neither of them have seen me yet. 

All I knew was that Wesley Foster had officially broken my heart.

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