2. Should I Give Up?

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I woke up to the next boring, lifeless day of my day. The things that happen every day, happened today also which are me being abused, bruises, blood, and doing chores. While I was in the shower the thought of giving up comes into my mind. There are 2 sides, first side is fed up, tired of this messed up life I live, I mean who wouldn't when you have no one, all you have is a father who isn't even deserved to be called one, who beats you up for no reason, abuses you, makes you do house chores and whatnot. That side is tired of seeing my body covered in bruises and scars who hates herself for this body, for being weak, for seeing her blood oozing out of her body daily. And just wants to quit living while the other side is pursuing life, to wait and hope that maybe something good would happen. Something good after I turn 18 and get out of this hell. Maybe, just maybe I would live my life not happy but just live as now I'm surviving not living. These thoughts were winning hence I'm not quitting. But still, this hope is slowly fading I don't know how long will I be able to stop myself from harming myself or just ending my life. I don't know. Every day I pray, I hope things would get better but it just doesn't. Every day I expect maybe today I will be happy and could smile a genuine real smile not a fake one to please anyone. Maybe today I will be loved. Maybe today I would be something to someone, I'll have some value but every day in my life, my fate just breaks my hope it doesn't happen what I expect like never. My life's so pathetic. And I'm so pathetic. I hate my life. I hate my fate. I hate myself.

And with these thoughts, I started sobbing, very badly. I broke down. I'm broken. I could never be fixed. No one loves me. And I started crying more. No one knows the real Amelia. No one cares about a girl named Amelia Queens and that's me!

I cried for an hour or so when no more tears were left to come. I got up dressed and cleaned myself. I check the time and realized I'm late for school. I missed my first class and so without eating I rushed to school hoping to attend the second lecture. I'm not regretting getting late because I need to cry, I held it for too long. Thankfully I got to attend the second lecture. Just like yesterday, today's gossiping topic was a new boy whose name is Mason, I just ignored everyone as I do. These people see me every day yet no one approaches me. They consider me a freak, a nerd, and a person who doesn't even exist. It still hurts even though it's been like this for years but it still hurts because pain demands to be felt. I wish I could be immune to it but it just doesn't happen.

The rest of the day goes slowly and deadly. And when I went out of the school I saw a black BMW and beside it, that new boy Mason was standing with him an older yet the most handsome boy I have seen, he was leaning against the car. Both of them were talking to each other. The older boy was so handsome or in other girls' ways, he was hot. And I couldn't help but look at him. His hair was dark walnut colored, his eyes were the most beautiful shade of green, I could stare at them my whole life. He was wearing a tight black shirt that showed his muscles and toned body way too much with faded blue jeans. As if sensing my stare, he turned in my direction and he looked way too good. I could see his face completely, his high cheekbones, his defined jaw. Everything which could make any girl fall for him. Weirdly he sniffed the air and said something which sounded like 'Mine'. And started walking towards me. I got scared and in panic, I started running as my life depends on it. I could sense him behind me. But I didn't stop and thankfully my workplace came into view which was that ice cream parlor I quickly went in while panting for air. I think I lost him. I sighed in relief. And started doing my work.

Heya, lovelies! This chapter was a bit emotional right? Something big is coming in our Amelia's life. Will it be good or bad?

Thankyouu for reading. I hope you liked it and if you did then please hit the little star to vote, comments are always welcomed. And lastly, love ya all!

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