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  A young, imp-like demon lead me to a double set of dark marble doors with gold décor and handles. He opened them, and stepped to the side, waving me in. I gulped. You can do this, Raziel.  A loud, sultry voice broke my concentration. "You may leave now, imp." the slave nodded, bowed, and closed the double doors, leaving me alone with Lucifer. In front of me was a long table, filled with all types of foods, and a golden and gem inlaid goblet. "Well," he purred, rom the other side of the table. "Sit." There were only two chairs, so I sat at the other end.

     The other chair made a squeaking noise, and loud and heavy foot steps came near. My chin was lifted, and I was looking into the Egyptian blue irises of his eyes that I remember from our good days. He's not the same he used to be. He's different now, Raziel. "My, its just been eons since I've seen your ever-defiant face." I gulped, looking down at his hand. "Nothing to say back?" he teased, bringing his lips close, his eyes slowly turning cherry red. "I-it has been awhile, hasn't it?" I mumbled, not knowing what to say. He hmmed, and pulled away. "Eat, I'm sure you're hungry." His cape floated behind him, leaving my side.

  My eyes met the display of food of all shapes and sizes. "Y-you must have quite the chefs." I complimented, staring at a sugar dusted beignet. "eat anything you wish. This was prepared for your arrival, after all." he replied, chowing down. "You'll need your energy for my judgement." I nodded, popping a few pomegranate seeds into my mouth. My mouth watered at the sight of my favorite dish, something found exclusively in heaven. "How did you get the recipe for this? We both know you can only find these in heaven!" I took a bite, the cream filling filled my mouth making me moan in delight. I hard a low groan from the other side of the table, before a reply. "Judas knew the recipe. He made all of this." I scowled at the thought of Judas, the betrayer. "And moan like that again, and I might make up my mind before the month is up." I blushed, looking down at my treat. If only I hadn't tried to pet that cat.

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