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"Wake up, dove." His large hand gently caressed my side, stirring me from my slumber. I blinked my eyes slowly, before sitting up and wiping them with a yawn. I looked behind me to see Lucifer's lustful eyes raking over me.

      "I'll be in meetings all day. But, I left you some babysitters and clothes." He stood up from the bed, fully dressed in a black tuxedo. "I expect you to wear them if you know what's good for you." He dropped a kiss on my forehead, and made his arrogant exit, swinging the doors open, and immediately being flanked by his ever so loyal servants.

     Horrible creatures. Worshipping that.

    With a lip curl once the guards closed the doors, I stood up from the bed. I glanced over the new fabric, similar to my robe, except it was purple and sparkled under light. It came with a collar. I placed the robe back down, and lifted the collar with both hands to the light. It was made out of metal, some type of silvery metal, with a black, padded inside, to not hurt the skin. In the center was a obsidian pentagram.

    The collar was carefully taken from my hands, and was unclasped. "Oh no." I growled at the darker demon wearing green. "Now, now. His majesty wants us to make sure everything is on you, after all." I recoiled from his touch, and avoided his feminine hands before he ran them through is long hair in aggravation. "Fo? Can you be of assistance? The taller guard wearing blue simply lit a cigarette with his fingers. "Handle it yourself, Kali." He grunted.

      Kali glared at the man. "Forras. Help me now." He seethed, making Forras smirk. "I don't see you entitled to tell me what to do, you don't pay my salary." Kali took a step towards him, and a sudden feeling of dread made my crystallized heart pause. Kali grabbed him down from his cloak. "Oh, I'll make you pay. I'll show his lord how incompetent you are as a partner. I'll have your ba--"

     "Excuse me?" I asked quietly, after I've already slipped on the robe and sandals. "I won't struggle." I whispered bashfully. Kali smiled wide, his little fangs poking out, and dropped Forras on the floor. "Now that's what I like to hear."

       I was sandwiched between Kali and Forras down a dark, winding hallway. They stopped at another set of towering doors, and Kali wished me good luck before shoving me in there. I was met by a lengthy table, where I  recognized a great number of species. I gulped as thousands of eyes locked on me, and I alowly walked to the head of the table, where Lucifer watched my every move with a smirk. I had catcalls, and various obscenities thrown at me, making my ears feel dirty.

   I stood in front of Lucifer, who swept an arm around my waist, and held me close.  His hands  traveled down my  covered throat, to my thighs, touching certain intimate areas that just made me want to bash his brains in. "I love how docile you're being." He purred in my ear, before gently licking the shell of it. I found my hand rising to slap him, but I lowered it in defeat.

   I'll play this game. I'll do as he says for now. But one way or another, I'm getting out of here.


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