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    (Angel wings ^^)

        The dove perched in my lap, eyes facing the ballroom floor from my elegant and over exaggerated throne. His eyes watched the executioners wearily. "Do we...have to watch this?"     His large, teal eyes met mine. "You have to understand what's to become of you if you disobey me." I gripped his chin, bringing him to touch my nose, and I smirked. "You're too pretty to kill, but I won't care if you're a brat." He closed his eyes, and relaxed into my arms. "Yes, like that. Just be quiet and enjoy the show."

     He cuddled into my chest, and I pet his soft, tufty hair, and his small hands gently grasped my suit. I gave a small nod to Belial, the executioner. The treasoners walked in, demons attempting to cross me, escape, or just annoy me. Kali, the most bloodthirsty  demon I know stood to the left, and Baal to my right. Baal stated the treason, and Kali stated the way of death.

     "Robyn Shultz; attempted to take her own life to end soul-exchange deal with His Highness."

   "Penalty: Decapitation." The woman's face was slathered in tears, her screams muted by the cloth wrapped around her mouth. Belial raised his sword, and brought it down, her blood splattering the walls and floor. I felt those cute hands grab on tighter, his eyes now watery. What a tough little angel. A dozen men and women went by like this, death by decapitation, strangulation, or flames. Then we got to the special treat for my dove.

      "Evangeline. Death by dismembering." Raziel  jumped in my lap. "N--" I clamped my hand over his mouth. "Watch, and watch closely." He seethed. "Nothi estis. How dare you?" I tugged his head by his hair. "Angry I took your precious girlfriend?" I teased, running my hand down his body. Evangeline, Raziel's (not for long) lover, an angel with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes looked sadly up at my little dove.

        "Let her go!" he sobbed, shaking my body. I made a cutthroat symbol to Belial, who continued to rip her body to pieces. "This is what happens when you disobey me." I growled in satisfaction as the light slowly dimmed form her eyes, and I could feel Raziel's anger and sorrow in waves. He pushed out of my arms and ran. "Sir, should I...?" Kali gave me a sideways glance. I shook my head. "It's over anyways." Belial handed me the now cleaned set of angel wings, and I took off to my study.

     "Tell me, Judas, should I have done that? Should I have made him watch?" My fingers lingered over my wall of angel wings, feeling the individual, gentle feathers tickling my skin. "No my lord, it's not good for his mentality. If anything, he'll just hate you more." My eyes flickered to his. "It's not about his hatred. This is all about my judgement!"

    "You're afraid. You're afraid it's going to happen again. You're worried Raziel will loose his memory again, and leave you behind. No matter how many times you tell him you love him, God will always take him and erase his memories." My hand slammed on the table, and I looked into his unseeing eyes.

     "I didn't need an analyzation, doctor. I asked a simple question. Was it wrong for me to kill her and make him watch?" He gave me an eyeroll. "Would you like to see Raziel dismembered just to prove a point? I didn't think so." I scoffed, hanging up the new set of wings. "Nevermind Judas, you're either too sassy or too cryptic. Get out." He picked up his staff, with his crystal glowing with power.

     "Raziel." I murmured. "My sweet dove. You'll be mine once more."

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