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Lucifer (The rapier ((I know it's not full but I looked forever for this gosh darn thing and it was the best I could find))

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Lucifer (The rapier ((I know it's not full but I looked forever for this gosh darn thing and it was the best I could find))

      The meeting went a lot faster than usual, which was good. Raziel was sound asleep on my lap, his hands clutching my suit jacket. When he meeting ended, I carefully picked up his sleeping body and placed him in the middle of my bed. His flowing platinum hair contrasted against my dark sheets, like he contrasted to me. He was soft and white, like a lily, whereas I was sharp and dark, like thorns. I brushed my lips over his forehead, and left him to sleep.

        "Kali." A green and blue flame burst in front of me, and I got both Forras and Kali. I don't know a ton about their relationship, but I know that Kali is a sadist and he calls Forras his 'slave'. Forras as a mortal sold his soul to Kali, and now they have some kind of weird relationship, kinky and romantic.' Kali's eyes flickered up to me.

   "What can we help, sire?" I crossed my arms. "Is there anything you can suggest to woo Raziel?" Kali smiled at me. "Woo? I didn't take you for the romantic type." I glared down at him. "What does he like? I have no clue sir. Wh-What did he like whe you were still an angel?"  He stuttered. I closed my eyes. Raziel as an angel. Memories flooded into my brain like the Niagara Falls. Raziel kissing me, Raziel flying with me, making love to Raziel, Raziel's hair tickling my face when we slept together, Raziel's love for...

   "Swords!" I shouted. I cleared my voice after seeing Forras jump. "He likes swords. I'll take him to the Weaponry Library. You are dismissed." The flame flickered away, and I glanced over my shoulder at Raziel's twitching form. Looks like he's waking up. I snap my fingers, which causes his choker to vibrate and wake him up. He groans and sits up, rubbing his eyes. He spots me.

   "Oh, what do you want?" He hisses. I roll my eyes. "I want to show you something." I gently tug him out of the bed, and drag him behind me. "Can you slow down? My legs are still asleep!" He cries out, but I pay no heed. I open the door to the Weaponry Library, and he gasps.

  "Look at all these babies!" He squeals. He had a twinkle in his eye I had missed, as his hands caressed the blades. I allowed him to swing them around and use them as practice dummies. Then his eyes caught sight of a rapier gleaming, and his mouth was agape.

  I opened it's safe, and gingerly placed it in his hands. He swung it around, making a 'whoosh' sound. "This is beautiful! Where'd you get it?" I smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It was Christian II's. I took it from him one night. And now it's yours." He blinked at me. "Mine? You're letting me keep it?" I nodded at his ecstatic face. "As long as you don't stab anyone with it." \

   Then he did the total opposite of what I expected.

   First, he cried.

 Then he hugged me.

  I closed my arms tight around him. I loved how close we were without having to fight. It was just like my time as an Angel.



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