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    The bath tub was relaxing, the scent of vanilla surrounding my every being. The bath was an escape from Lucifer, and allowed me to think things through.
As a devout Christian angel, I was pure and perfect. But these feelings... these were imperfect and tainted. I stared down at the clear water covering my body.
   Yet, my heart... my heart can't help itself. I-I love him, yet I feel like I could be dreadfully punished for it.
  I slid down, making bubbles with my mouth in the water. The vanilla made me drowsy. With a yawn, I let my eyes slowly sink....
  I sent the hounds to be groomed, and headed up to our room, where my five ran off to earlier. "Dove?" I purred, looking at the empty bed. Strange. That's his go to. I opened the bathroom door and let out a very unmasculine gasp.
  "Dove!" I cried, dragging him out of the bathtub. His graying wings stretched out behind me, his blond hair splayed behind him. My throat hitched. Gorgeous, just as I remember. I gently pressed down against his chest, hoping to release any water that's made it's way into his system.
  "What are you doing?" He groaned, sitting up. "I...you..." he rolled his eyes. "I was just taking a little nap, I didnt drown." He huffed, standing up, and wrapping his arms around his pale body. I wrapped him in the fluffiest towel I could fine, and he instantly snuggled into it.
  He dismissed me so he could dress, and opened the door when he finished. "You can come in now." He was wrapped in an even fluffier black bathrobe, and laid in our bed.
  I laid next to him, and produced a hairbrush.
  "May I ?" He turned to where his river of golden locks faced me. I swept the gentle brush through his hair, watching it ripple with every slide. His hair was perfectly brushed, no tangle to be found. He turned back to me, and caught me off guard with a kiss.
   His sweet lips curved against mine.
  "Now now," he chastised. "Let's not start anything right now. I'm tired."
   He snuggled up to me. "Night." He placed his head on my chest, and pecked my chin, before he closed his eyes once more.
   I grinned.
    This had become way easier than I expected.

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