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Okay, so our honeymoon wasn't in the Vatican, but rather relaxed on the sandy beaches of the Bermuda Triangle. Cheesy? Yes, I know, but what did you expect? My husband, king of all things cheese and hell had plotted it. We enjoyed mimosas on the beach, watching humans get stuck in the trap with their airplanes, and the way they went absolutely mad in fright at the sight of the devil and his lover in the Bermuda Triangle. We had walked the sandy shores, hand-in-hand, joking and playing in the surf. We had made love against the white-hot sand, and again in the hidden home beyond the treeline, and again in several other places.

After a little more than a week, it was time to part with the island. I was a little upset, just because of how beautiful and sweet, and just how carefree the island had made us feel, but Lucifer promised we'd come back. So we said farewell to that feeling, and returned to our thrones, with the glee of the citizens. They had stockpiled our throne room with wedding gifts and so much love, love I never felt from the humans I was helping so many moons ago. 

The citizens had even taken to us so well. They had invited us into their homes, to witness children being born, to enjoy dinner, to speak with us, to help us with whatever we desired. I was sort of the less authoritative king. I was just over the moon with delight at the love and respect I had gotten from the lovely citizens of our kingdom, while Lucifer remained as stony as ever, pretending to be too high on his pedestal to care even if he gushed about the fun to me in our bed later. 

A few days after, Lucien went into labor. While I may not have given birth to any creature myself, I had tried to help him, by watching videos or speaking about past experiences with other citizens. Lucien was my step-son after all, and even if I had wished I could send him and Abbadon in a casket down the river when we first met, they are now my family, My precious son and his husband, who was just as freaked about the whole thing as any other first-time dad would be. His eyes were sporting heavy baggage, he had pulled out a great bit of his hair, he had even managed to quit smoking. I took him aside for prep talk and a good rest the day before the kits were born.

Lucien had a whopping set of quadruplets, all half-cat shifter, and half-demon. The poor kits were given some pretty awful names, too. Lyzander, Atticus, Lachlan, and the only daughter, Astoria. Poor kids. They were cute little buggers, though. Lucien, in his drugged-out bliss of unawareness after a cesarean section, allowed me to hold the babies. So sweet and gentle, they cooed like doves when the saw me, and Lucifer was having the time of his life. I had never seen him smile so wide at something before. 

Abbadon was in tears, holding his four newborns and supporting his spaced-out husband who was fast asleep on the hospital cot. He, the babies and Lucien had to stay at the hospital awhile to help bond and help poor frazzled Lucien meet his kits. Lucifer and I had bid our farewells and love to the boys and the kits before sauntering back to the castle, to relax in bed together. 

"Raziel," I was broken out of my blissful thoughts by Lucifer. "Yes, my love?" He shuddered a bit at that before a happy grin settled on his face. "I love you." I smiled, playing with the end of his coal-black hair with my fingers. "Ditto." He leaned over for a kiss. 

I know that happy endings only come true in children's books and Disney films, but at this moment, I couldn't be happier. I had my crown, my citizens, my grandchildren, my step-child and his husband, good friends, true friends, and of course, my husband. 

My cheesy, loving, sexy, romantic, sweet husband. The man who I felt was made for me by another higher celestial being. My husband who knew how to turn me on, how to make me feel better, how to love and respect me. How to make me fall in love with someone so inconceivable, so arbitrary, so...irrational. 


Hello! If you are here, that means you have officially finished this story. This book has been through so many changes before I had it published. I've been working on this story since about 2015, so around five years. I'm glad you all stuck around long enough to see the end of this story, no matter how excruciating my updating is. This wouldn't have been possible without you, so thank you for helping me along the way to the end! This is the epilogue, and the last page of this book, so if you're not interested in facts about this book, please go skip ahead back to your library or main screen. It's been a pleasure to write this book, and I hope its been just as pleasing to read it.

*Fun facts:

• In the original telling, Raziel was with Abbadon before he was cheated on by Abbadon with Lucien, which caused him to run away with Lucifer

• I was originally going to change the wedding scene to where Raziel gets reclaimed by God and gets his memory scrambled again, but I'm not that mean

• Lucien and Raziel were originally going to get caught in an endless circle of catfights, but I wanted them to eventually get along 

• I was thinking about Lucifer and Raziel adopting children, but I think they'd work better without a kid

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