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      "No, swing like this...you're doing it wrong! It's not that hard, Angel!" Kali was giving me sword fighting lessons. It has been awhile since I've held a sword, and even loner since I had to fight someone with one, so you could see I might've lost my touch.

   I gritted my teeth as Lucien threw another insult. He sat in one of the seats of the audience, booing at me. Kali sighed, and cursed at Lucien and threatened to turn him into a woman, to which Lucien scurried away like... the devil was on his heels. I giggled at my unintended pun, then screamed when I suddenly hit the ground. I glared up at Kali, who glared back.

   "Don't ever show weakness, especially when dealing with demons. We feed off the weak." He licked his lips, before picking me up. "I think we're done for today, we'll continue tomorrow." He led me back into the castle, and dumped me in my room.

 "How was sword fighting?" Lucifer comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. His sharp, black hair contrasted heavily against his skin, making me jealous. Its always the guys who don't deserve it that look so handsome. I'm pasty, my hair is too light, my eyes are extremely common around angels.

   "I expect you to listen and answer when I'm speaking to you." I mentally rolled my eyes. "It was fine. Kali is annoying and strict." He smirked down at me. "As expected of one of my favorites." I let out a shriek when he suddenly dropped his towel, then covered my face with my wings. "Now, now, we're both men. No need to be so shy." I could see his feet slowly approach me from under my wings, before he shoved his face between my wings. Our lips were inches apart, and the only thing I could smell was his minty breath.

   My eyes were lost in his blaring red eyes, and his hand gently stroked my cheek. "You're so beautiful..." My eyes shuddered closed, as his lips puckered. "You're such a cute little virgin." He walked away from me. I blushed, and threw a pillow at his head as he hastily escaped. I cuddled into my knees, still blushing. "Jerk."

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