Chapter 5

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Its Thursday now and i've been woken up by one of the Hokage's stupid birds. I slowly got up and ready and walked into the Hokages office not bothering to knock. "What did you need me for?" I asked yawning. "I have an ANBU mission for you and take some rookies for experience" He repsonded sliding a folder towards me. "It's an assassination mission so please be careful and try and make sure you don't get caught" "Damn you've lowered your expectations of me! I'm offended" I said sarcastically. I quickly summoned one of my snakes. "Yes Lady Kiyoko what do you need?" Scarlett asked politely." I need you to go get around 3 rookies for a mission and just tell them that theyre in trouble they'll show up faster" I ordered. "Of course" she said poofing away. I looked back up the Hokage. "How long do you suspect the mission will take?" "Around 2 days so you should arrive Saturday morning which is the day the Genin are meeting their sensei so you should be back just in time!" He said enthusiastically. "I'll complete it and be back by tomorrow afternoon" I said looking back over the file. "Oh OK, you may set off whenever then" He said as I sat down. Just as I sat down 3 rookies knocked quietly. "Enter" The Hokage said calmly and as they walked in they started freaking out completely ignoring me. "IDIOTS YOU'RE NOT IN TROUBLE SO GET YOUR ASSES TO THE GATE AND I'LL SEE YOU IN 5 MINUTES!" I yelled they stopped looked at me and then started laughing. "Tsk idiot kid, i dont have to listen to you!" Crow said laughing. "Go now" said the Hokage and they almost broke their legs because of how fast they ran. "Tsk idiots I'll see you tomorrow gramps!" I said waving as I poofed away into a tornado of black and red rose petals.

As I walked through the gates of the village after the mission I angerly stomped and ran towards the Hokages office. The rookies had gone back to the base and thought that they where amazing. As I got to the door i broke it down and sat down in my armchair thats in his office. "Kiyoko?" He asked "What's wrong?" "THOSE ASSES THAT WE CALL ROOKIES DIDNT LISTEN TO ME AND ALMOST GOT KILLED AT LEAST 20 TIMES!!" I yelled. My eyes where black and he just simply snapped and someone brought me a popsicle. As I was eating it some woman kept saying things like 'who is this child' but the Hokage just ignored her."Where is your mask?" He asked politely. "I broke it from anger so can you please have a new one made?" I said opening my book finally calming down. "Of course." He said blowing puffs of smoke "Thank you and Sorry that I interrupted the meeting, but I needed to explain the mission. I'll wait till the meeting is over though." I said, my eyes going red again, "Can you please have this genin leave! This is top secret information and I don't want a child knowing about it." The woman said glaring at me as I read my book. "Sorry you bitchy hag but i'd suggest you never call me a child again" I said not looking up from my book. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" She yelled spitting all over me. "I hate to put it this way but i'm the reason you weren't allowed to start the meeting so calm your saggy ass tities." I said. "Tsk you idiotic child." The Hokage noticed me tense as she called me child. "I personally think you should refrain from referring to my ANBU leader like that, she isn't the easiest to deal with when she's angry." He explained. "THAT'S YOUR ANBU LEADER! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT!" She yelled. "Sup i'm black rose, also known as Kiyoko Hatake" I said looking up from my book. "Really she's Black Rose?" Danzo asked. "The one and fucking only" I said smiling. They continued the meeting after that as I read not paying attention, The topic didn't interest  me at all. Sorry.

After I left that idiotic meeting I had to go see my new team. The Hokage said that they'd be meeting on the roof so I ran their. Sasuke had just done his introduction as I jumped in. "And i'm Kiyoko Hatake, I hate everything and I don't see the point in me being here!" I said with a smile as I sat down. I them noticed that my brother was our sensei. I burst out laughing and no one knew why. "Omg.... Ashi.... Is..... Our sensei" I paused to breath. "Ppfffft that's hilarious!" I yelled at him. He had an irk mark on his forehead and everyone was kinda confused "Um what's so funny?" Sakura asked. "He's my brother why wouldn't I laugh at him. I said looking at her eyes widen. "WHAT!!!!" Naruto yelled. "And no offense Ashi (thats her nickname for him) but i'm probably more qualified" I said as his face went red from anger. "KIYOKO!!!!" He yelled. "What?" I said still laughing. "I'LL BURN YOUR BOOK!" I immediately stooped laughing. "And I'll burn yours"  I said glaring my eyes Turing onyx black. "N-no it's f-fine." He paused to take a breath. "We'll meet back tomorrow and don't eat breakfast you'll puke." He said with a classic closed eye smile as he poofed away. I poofed away also to my spot in the training grounds. This has become a usual thing for me to just sit outside and calmly feel the breeze. It was so nice. As I took deep breaths and looked up at the stars I drifted off to sleep, calmly and peacefully. Once again, like usual, I was awoken by movement and saw my big brother. And i feel asleep again to his soft breathing and heartbeat.

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