Zabuza Mission Part 3

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At the moment I'm writing this I have 2.95k reads and I just wanted to say thanks for reading this and enjoying it :P

I woke up snuggled into Kakashi. I felt my hair being stroked and looked up to see Kakashi playing with it. "Good morning," I yawned smiling at him. "Sup," was all he responded with. I climbed onto his lap leaning on him while he resumed messing and playing with my silver hair. "Hey Kakashi?" He hmed in acknowledgment. "Why are people rude to Naruto for being a "monster," but they aren't rude to me?" I asked. Kakashi sighed, "They just view Naruto that way because he has that damn demon in him and they believe he can't control it." He stated simply. "I guess that makes since, but I just feel like its unfair." I said closing my eyes. "You're right." That's my favorite thing about Kakashi. He doenst deny that I'm a monster. Because I am. He just knows that I hate being what I've been trained to be. I smiled. I leaned my head back onto Kakashi's chest and drifted off to sleep again.

I woke up again to dead silence. The air seemed foggier than usual. I got up walking out the door and heading to the bridge. I looked around. And saw a large Ice dome. Haku. And Kakashi fighting Zabuza. "Wow i'm out for a few damn hours and all of this happens." I yell across the bridge causing everyone's heads to turn towards me. "KIYOKO!" Sakura yelled. "You know you could have come and gotten me." I stated walking towards the ice dome. I look at how thick it was and tapped it with my finger a few times. Then I stepped back, putting a ton of chakra in my fist, and punched the stupid ice full force. It shattered and Haku fell to the ground. "Wasn't as strong as I thought damn," I said scratching my head and sweatdropping. Sasuke, Naruto, and Haku all stood shocked. "Sorry?" I questioned turning toward's Sasuke and Naruto. "You alright idiots?" They nodded slightly. I turned around again to face Kakashi and Zabuza. "Now. Kakashi." I said darkly. "Why didn't you wake me up." I continued. "I wasn't aware this would happen. Kiyoko." He mocked back. "Hmph fine." I walied up to Zabuza. "Seriously why couldn't you just die?" I asked sighing. "You know that's one how I roll Kiyoko." "Yeah but come on. You knew I was gonna kill you either way," I said yawning. "Duh, but come on. That's boring." He stated smirking.

I just smirked back and flickered next to him. I punched him in the face and watched as he fell onto his feet. He came at me with a kunai in his hand seeming to aim for my viral organs. "For someone who was 'dead' for a week you seem fine," I said deflecting his arm causing him to fall. He ignored my comment and attempted to punch me. I caught his fist and brought my arm down making him hit the ground. Pulling him back up, I kicked him the stomach and watched him cough. He managed to get out of my grip and I just stepped back. "Tsk I haven't even had breakfast yet," I scoffed and watched him intently. "It annoys me when you talk so much in battle" Zabuza said breathing heavily. I just kept my mouth shut and threw a few Kunai. He barely dodged them, stepping to the right. I ran towards him not waiting for him to catch his breath and kicked his leg. Hard enough that it should have broken it. He falls onto his knees and attempts to do a jutsu. I watched intently mimicking the jutsu. Soon two giant dragons made of water flew from the water. Mine being bigger it easily destroyed his. He stood wide eyed, and unlike usual he seemed to not be able to get his mind back in order. I looked him in the eye simply staring. It was dead silent as we looked at each other. He suddenly fell. I put him into a genjutsu that brought back some of his worst memories.

I watched in the dead silence as his body stayed tense. I walked up to him stabbing him him in the throat with my katana trying to end his life as quickly as I could. All I managed to whisper was a simple sorry. Stepping back I cleaned my katana and sent it away. I looked around and watched the shocked faces of my team mates, Haku, and Tazuna. Sakura looked down at Zabuza and turned away and puked. Haku walked to Zabuza. I looked at him with an apologetic look and he just sighed showing a small smile. No one spoke. I didn't feel guilt and I didn't feel sick like they seemed to be expecting me to. I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked them muttering a simple, "stop." Naruto almost looked offended by me saying this. "How could you kill someone like that." He growled looking at his feet refusing to look at me. "I'm sorry." I said. I wasn't. Kakashi could tell I wasn't. "You arent." Naruto stated. "I can see it in your eyes. You don't feel guilt. You dont even care. You're just as bad as Zabuza." "You're wrong." I looked up my eyes flashing rapidly from black to white to red. "I'm worse." I growled tensing my body. Naruto stood shocked looking at me. It was hard to admit but it was true. His body tensed before he ran towards me, Kunai in hand. I took his arm and flung him to the ground. "I'm sorry. I have been raised to be like this. I'm sorry."  fell to my knees grabbing my hair and pulling it. "Im a demon. A monster. Heartless. Useless. It says it in my arm." I said the genjutsu I kept on my arms releasing to show all my scars. Kakashi stood shocked. I've never showed him my scars. I haven't shown anyone. Naruto stood shocked and looked at me with pity. Just like everyone else on the team. I got up ans stepped back. A tear slipped from my eyes and that's all it took for Kakashi to run to me grabbing me and flickering me away from the squad ordering Sakura that she was in charge. I leaned my head on his shoulder sobbing.

3rd person pov

Somewhere in his heart he seemed to know this was going to happen. He ran into the forest sitting on the soft ground laying Kiyoko down next to him. She clutched onto his jacket breathing heavily. Suddenly she stopped. It was like time stopped she sat up slowly and looked at Kakashi her eyes the same onyx color his were. This was her genetic eye color. Her red eyes were from her years of training and became her normal color. She didn't speak and simply stared for a few minutes until Kakashi broke the silence.

"It's alright."

With that Kiyoko's eyes went red again as a few more tears slipped from her eyes. She smiled and looked at a white flower on the ground infront of her. She sighed contently wiping away her tears. She looked at Kakashi her smile growing and stated,

"I know."

That's the end of the Zabuza parts! I think I did good? I'd like feed back so if you could rate it or basically say anything about to i'd be pretty Happy! Next chapter it'll go back to the main story line and remeber this does not effect the normal story in anyway I simply wrote it for deeper insight into the character and for fun! Thanks for reading this and bye!

~Obnoxious (rawr~)

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