Chapter 18

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I had fallen asleep on Kakashi's lap and woke up when he moved. "Hmm what's happening?" I mumbled clinging to him. "We're going home for the day" Kakashi said taking the book that was on my stomach and putting it in his holster thingy. I just sighed and went back to sleep.

I woke up again in my own bed and sat up looking at my clock. It read 9:00 pm, great I'm gonna be up all night. I sighed getting up and walking out of my room. I grabbed an apple and walked outside. As I was walking the streets I started thinking about how all my friends were in the forest if death. I sighed for the 100th time and jumped onto a restaurants roof. I sat looking at the moon. Gaara and Shikamaru can't randomly show up, what am I supposed to do for the next few days, sighing again, I took a bite of my apple. "At one point I could last forever without talking to anyone, And now I depend on people so much" I laughed out loud. "Damn people change." I sat for a few more hours before hearing a sound. I could already tell by his chakra that it was Kakashi, "Hey why are you up so late it's 1 am" he said sleepily sitting next to me. "Couldn't sleep" I said simply. "Oh ok"

We sat in silence,(Tøp) until 3 am. "We should probably go back we need to meet the Hokage soon" I yawned. "Yeah you're right" he said as he stood lending me a hand. "Thanks" I said yawning once again. Kakashi yawned also and glared at me. I chuckled and jumped off the building. "Wanna race?" "Sure" he said laughing. "Ready set go" I yelled leaping into the air to get a slight boost, I ran quickly with him on my tail. I laughed and stopped as he ran straight into me. "Haha idiot" I said helping him up. "Shut up" he murmured. We were at the apartment/house. We walked in and I looked at the clock. It was around 3:30 am so I could sleep I bit. "Good night Ashi" I yawned. "Good night" he responded walking into his room. I hoped onto my bed and snuggled into my blankets drifting off to sleep.

I woke up late. I didn't even have to look at my clock. Kakashi was asleep too so its fine. I woke up Ashi and we got ready and walked to the office. When we were outside the guards weren't there and I laughed slightly. We walked in And everyone looked our way. "You're late" Someone said. "Well a black cat crossed our path" I said, "so we had to take the long way" Kakashi finished. A few people looked pissed And both started laughing. He went and sat down while I went next to the Hokage. "Sup gramps anyone new?" I asked. "Yeah 3 people, I think Kakashi is talking to them" he said and I yawned I was still tired. I really wanted my dragon stuffie. I got up and walked over to kakashi. "Aaaaassshhhiiii I want my stuffie" I whined sitting on his lap. He was talking to two new female jounin and a make jounin. "What's with the kid" one of the girls said being snobby. "Fuck off you sound mean" I said sleepily snuggling up to Kakashi. "You little bitch you're the one that just walked up and started hugging Kakashi aren't you a little to young for him" I burst out laughing and Kakashi chuckled. "I'm his sister bitchface" I said still laughing. She seemed shocked and I just laughed more. "Why don't you just have Scarlett go get it for you" Kakashi said talking about my snake summons. "OH YEAH! I never see them anymore" I laugh. People cleared out of my way a bit seeing me stand up. I bit my fimger and summoned my snakes (they turn into people when wanted). People all ran to the other corner of the room except Kakashi. "You called us master?" Scar said. "Yeah you did and I was sleeping" Gray said angerly. I ignored him and started talking to Scarlett. "I need you to go get my dragon stuffie" "YOU CALLED US HERE JUST TO GET A DAMN STUFFED ANIMAL!" Gray yelled. "Yeah, are you questioning my order?" "YES IM GETTING A DAMN STUFFIE!" He yelled. God he gets so angry when he's woken up.(Blood Type AB!!!)  Everyone was now focused on me and my snakes. Gray attempted to attack me but I caught him by the throat. I got close to his ear and whispered "Now" with venom and he stiffened. "Ever question me and I won't hesitate to turn your snake form into a bag for my Kunai." I said angerly throwing him down. Scar helped him Up and I went back to my happy self. "Ok have fun!" I said opening the door and waving bye to them. I closed the door and sat back onto Kakashi's lap. Then I felt a pain and my eyes flashed to white and back to their original color. I stood up and blinked a few times. "Um Kiyoko are you alright?" Kakashi Asked calmly. "Yeah in fine" I said sitting back down.

Hours later it happened again, but worse. Something was wrong. I stood up abruptly and jumped out the window. I was in what some called my demon mode and I don't know why. I kept running unaware of where to until I reached the forest of death. Oh no, I sensed him. Orochimaru.

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