Chapter 15

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I was close to home and it wasn't that late. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I get home though. I could do a mission? Yeah maybe I'll get a D class mission and baby sit or something still hated kids, but I wanted to color without being judged to be honest. I dont know. Maybe Kakashi went on a mission and I could catch up? Meh. I was woken from my thoughts when I saw the huge Konaha gates. I smiled. "Home at last" I said walking into the village. You know what I wanna have a day with gramps! I walked to the tower and busted through the door of the hokages office "I'M HOME!" I yelled loudly. Gramps was half asleep on his desk so he shot up. "I'm guessing you had a rough night?" "Yeah Naruto was bugging me about you not being at their training session" he said sighing. "Oh sorry gramps I do need to spend more time with them" I said looking out the huge windows. "You really should they're missing you" he said chuckling. I kept looking out the window smiling. "I know" After that we sat for hours.

"You wanna go do something?" I said breaking the silence. "Like what?" "Well we haven't hung out in awhile I miss yah gramps" I said smiling. "Then of course" he responded smiling as well. He stood up and smiled, helping me up. "So what should we do first?" I asked. "Well we should get ramenn, i haven't had any in awhile" "OK!" I yelled suddenly yelling scaring him. "Sorry" I giggled walking out the doors. He eventually caught up and we walked together.

"I'll have some beef ramen" I said smiling. Gramps had already ordered. "So gramps anything fun happen lately?" "Not really it's more Naruto being idiotic, and running out of books to read" he said with a sigh. "You could have gone in my office I have a ton of books" "Your office scares me" he murmured. "Seriously, just because it's dark, covered in cobwebs, and ANBU are guarding it at all times your scared?" I chuckled, "you know gramps, what if I didn't do any of my ANBU duty's and I just worked like a genin?" I asked, he choked on his ramen. "For a second I thought you were gonna step down from being the ANBU leader" "Well of course not, I just wanna only come in during critical times so I can hang out with my squad and stuff" I said, "Oh Ok then!" The Hokage cheered ordering another bowl of ramen for the both of us.

We ended up having an eating competition, he payed for it, and I won. I ended up getting some extra cash from it. We walked back to his office and I read while he did some work.

"Bye Gramps" I said walking out the door and heading home. I walked the streets looking at all the people when I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry" I said looking up to see Shikamaru. "Oh hey" I chuckled. "Tsk what a drag" he said offering a hand to me. "Thanks" I took his hand and jumped up. "Where were you going?" "I was going home" he said walking off. "Hey wait up!" I yelled and he stopped. "Can I come with I met your dad once and I wanna see him again! We became pretty good friends on a mission!" I said running next to him. "Tsk what a drag, I don't care" He said walking again. "Yay!" I skipped along beside him happily. We arrived at his house I walked in alongside him. "Oh welcome home Shiki-" his mom said turing the corner. "Oh well who are you?" She asked. "I'm Kiyoko Hatake nice to meet you" I said smiling. "I'm here to see Shikaku" I finished. "Oh well in that case sit down" she said pointing at the table. I went and sat down and pulled out my book reading.

After awhile we heard the door open and Shikamaru's mom talking. "Oh hello Kiyoko what brings you here?" "I bumped into Shikamaru and decided to come along, I hope you don't mind" I said putting down Makeout Paradise. "Oh no its fine" he responded sitting across from me. "Also I have a favor" Shikaku said. "Oh?" "I want to see if you can beat Shikamaru in a match if shogi (spelling?)" Shikamaru looked up at the mention of his name. "I'm sure I can" I said chuckling slightly at Shikamaru's expression. "Well then get out of my kitchen and go play" Shikamaru's mother said. We all stood up and made our way to the shogi board. "You can have first move Shikamaru" I said sitting back.

I ended up winning and Shikamaru got really angry. I left before dinner and went home. Kakashi was on a mission so I'd probably got to Asuma's. I always spend the night at his house when Kakashi is gone. I walked onto the apartment and grabbed an apple before going to Asuma's place.

"Hey" I said when he opened the door taking a bite out of the apple. "Hey Kiyoko, Kakashi on a mission?" "Yeah and I'm bored" I said pushing past him and into his living room. "So how yah been?" I asked settings my feet up on the coffee table. "Good for the most part" he responded walking into the kitchen. "You know where the guest room is and Kakashi put some of your clothes in the dresser there so you can go change" he informed yelling from the kitchen. I just responded with an 'Ok'. Sometimes Kakashi is so protective. I walked into the guest room and by a some clothes he ment half my freaking wardrobe. "God he annoys me sometimes" I mumbled changing into my Pajamas. I yawned and sat on the bed still reading my book.
Eventually decided I should sleep and ended up passing out within a few minutes.

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