Chapter 16

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There's a MAJOR time skip!

"YOU WHAT?" I yelled into the Hokage's face. "I want you to be a proctor for the chunin exams" he repeated. He called me into his office at 3 am because he had a sudden idea. "You woke me up this early just to tell me that?" I asked calming down slightly. "Yes and to tell you what you'll be doing" he said smiling. "Tsk fine you old man" I muttered sitting down. "You'll be working with Ibiki and all the other proctors" he said. I perked up a bit. Ibiki was the head of torture and interrogation. "Oh that makes me a bit happier" I said putting a smile on my face. "Of course it does" he muttered. "So the chunin exams start well I guess today that's why I called you in so early" my smile faltered. "You called me in, the day this is happening?" "Yes" "You're lucky I care about you or else id stab you, is that all you need?" "Yes, you can go now" We had a heated debate for around 3 hours so its like 6 am, the genin will wait an hour or two before going into the first phase so I can sleep for a little bit I thought walking to my apartment. I passed out on the couch not bothering to set an alarm.

I woke up and looked around the room. What time is it? I looked up at the clock, its only 10! Yes I still have time. I got dressed in my ninja attire. I hopped out the window landing on my feet and running to the building I was supposed to be at 2 hours ago. I arrived and concealed my chakra. If I was gonna show up late, like always, I wanna do it in style. I slowly walked sthrough the door and into the empty room where all the genin had been waiting an hour before. Then I suddenly unconcealed my chakra and kicked the door down. Ibiki looked shocked and everyone's heads looked towards me the jounin all standing up. "Sorry i'm late I didn't want to be here" I said smiling. The jounin looked pissed. "Oh it's just you Kiyoko" Ibiki said going back to his unemotional face. "Ibiki senpai you can't just ignore me!"(not good with senpai shit sorry? Tell me if I use them wrong) I yelled jumping on him. "Sorry Kiyoko I didn't mean to be rude" he said smiling. "That's better" I smiled. All the genin that knew me looked shocked besides Gaara. Naruto was asleep though so he didn't say anything. "OH GAARA!!!" I yelled hugging him. He hugged back and smiled slightly. "Sorry I haven't been able to visit I've been busy on mission" I said sadly. "Its fine Kiyo" he said. The jounin seemed so scared that i was hugging such a "monster." They can suck my dick.

I stood up and walked back up to the front. "Ibiki lemme look over one of the tests" I said going into a serious tone. "Sure" he handed me the paper, I didn't look at it first I said, "Ok you may continue if I catch any of you cheating i'll throw a pencil at your throat and then heal you" I smiled. Some gulped in fear and others looked cocky. I finally looked over the test and picked up a pen, I dont use pencils. The questions were genuinely easy, but i've been reading shinobi text books since I was 3. I finished it with ease and slammed it down on the table. "I think you made the test a little to easy Ibiki" I said loudly on accident. "No I couldn't even answer most of the questions" he whispered. I handed him my paper and his eyed widened. "How?" he whispered. I just smiled and looked at all the genin. One of the genin looked at the persons paper behind him. I picked up a pencil and threw it with great speed at his shoulder and he screamed in pain. "Number 86, get out idiot" I said as he got up and walked out slowly. I opened my book and read for awhile.

After an hour or so Ibiki spoke again saying crap about a tenth question. Naruto was finally awake and was looking at Ibiki. Oh Shikamaru was awake too and looking at me in confusion. I mouthed the words "I'm a proctor" and he just nodded looking at Ibiki. You know now that I think about it Ibiki's head looks like a melon. Oh yeah I have some melon candy in my ninja holster (wtf even is that thing a bag?) Ibiki was mid sentence when I said, "Oh yeah Ibiki you what some melon candy its like your head" I smiled and he glared at me. "Shut up and read Kiyoko" he said going back to explaining. "You're no fun" I muttered popping a sucker I to my mouth, they're my favorite candy and I am usually always eating one I just ran out and was to lazy to go to the only village that sells them. Shikamaru looked at me again and I threw him and gaara a sucker. They're such parasites. Ibiki glared at me again because he wasn't very fond of my obsession with sweets. I would offer duck butt one, but he doesn't like sweets. Probably because he's the reincarnation of Satan. Eventually Naruto finally noticed my existence, "HEY KIYOKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! SENSEI SAID YIU COULDN'T TAKE THE EXAMS BECAUSE YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH" He yelled. Gaara and Shikamaru laughed at Him saying I wasn't good enough Gaara's siblings seemed amazed. I laughed too. "I didn't what to tell you in this environment, but I've been the ANBU leader since I was like 7" I said laughing at his amazed face. Everyone else seemed shocked that such a small girl was the capatain. And the jounin in the corner flipped out and started to bow (I got the idea from another fic, jounin and ANBU bow to her because she's basically their captain and controls most of the things the Hokage does BC of how close she is to him OK CONTINUE!) "THEN I WANT YOU TO FIGHT ME TO PROVE IT!" Naruto yelled. Ibiki laughed slightly before saying,"You could defeat her I'd give you the title of jounin and completely skip chounin" "Shut up Ibiki" I laughed. "Oh yeah everyone that's left has officially passed the first stage!" I yelled and everyone got akk confused until the window shattered and the 2nd proctor came in, Anko Mitarashi!

I genuinly had fun writing this chapter so i hope you enjoy it!One if the fun things when writing a story like this is looking up all the characters because you haven't watched the original naruto in a good 4 months! But I actually know most people just not the proctors because fuck that shit. Ok that's all I gotta say. Idk if I'm actually gonna change the title! Vote, comment and follow me! You can share if you want too IG? Thats actually all BYE BITCHES!


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