Escort Mission (2)

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In a previous AN I said how I was Nonbinary. But i've realized how much I want a binder. I wanna go outside and not feel like people can tell that I'm female. It angers me. But! This is now at 14k+ we just hit a milestone and this story keeps growing! People have been asking for an update and I have time so here it is. I hope it's even remotely good.

We were walking. What a surprise. I had Shikimaru next to me. Kakashi also next to me, but he was listening to Naruto ramble on about something. And Kuri (Bitch face) was talking to Sakura. What surprised me was Sakura had a blush on her face and Sasuke just glared. I listened to the footsteps and soft talking around me. It always calms me when theres noise, and watching people is so fun. Seeing the shadows of Kakashi's mask as he smiled. The bright look in Naruto's eyes because someone was actually listening to him ramble. The way Sasuke seemed protective over Sakura. And how happy the girl was just to be acknowledged. Shikamaru seemed content with everything. Except the occasional twitch his eyebrows did when an odd thought would cross his mind. Everyone seemed happy and joyful.

I heard the sound of more footsteps approaching and could tell Naruto heard them too. He continued to talk though completely ignoring it. I scanned my eyes across the area we were in. The tree branches shook slightly and I threw a kunai towards what was the ninja's face. They jumped down to avoid it, Clearly not the smartest, and froze looking over the people in our group. "Not it." Was all I said walking to sit down under a tree. "Seriously Kiyoko! That's not fair." Kakashi responded with, scowling because now he had to fight the kunoichi(too lazy to spell check tbh). He grumbled and got in a fighting stance while the genin got in a defensive formation. I personally opened up a book and started reading.

Skipping the fight scene. Sorry. Kinda.

"You let some little girl beat you up this bad?" I asked looking up from my book. "Shut up. She was stronger than I thought." "Mhm. Maybe you're just getting Rusty." I paused, "Old man." Kakashi, who was previously sitting on the ground jumped up and started to throw punches at me. I dodged snapping my book shut and sliding it into the holster. "Kiyoko. One day someone's gonna punch you." Shika commented, after relaxing from his previous defense formation. "You're worried about someone punching her? I was thinking more electrocution." Naruto said laughing his ass off. I grumbled something along the lines of annoying brat. "It could happen." Sasuke chimed in. "I swear. One more word from any of you. Especially the dead meme and fish cake. And I will chop off your ears." I threatened. "Why ears?" "SHIKAMARU HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID DON'T QUESTION ME." "Apparently not enough." He smirked at the irritated look on my face. I just continued walking not saying a word. He knows I wasn't mad. My shoulders weren't tensed and my jaw wasn't completely closed.

I continued to stomp until I felt a large amount of weight on my back, and I came tumbling to the ground. "Kakashi. Where in your head did you think you could tackle me." I groaned trying to push him off of me. "I always carry you. Why can't you carry me." He responded climbing to his feet. "Because one of us is a grown man. And not saying your fat but..." I paused and pointed up and down his body with a judgemental look on my face. He glared at me and shut up. "Um. Guys. We have a dude to escort. Maybe we should make some progress." Shikamaru suggested. "Yeah! I could have been killed back at that other fight!" Kuri yelled. "Yell again and you'll blow out already fading cover. And then you'll have a higher chance of death." I stopped again for emphasise. "And trust me I don't need the cash."

Shika groaned and walked forward; all of us following next to/behind. Everyone went back to their previous conversations. The smiles back on peoples faces. The flirting. And the hateful glares. This is what squad 7 has turned to. Excluding Shikamaru of course. I focused in on the crunching of the rocks beneath my feet and the sound of the peoples heart beats that are around me. The thump thump thump sound was aligned with everyone. 6 hearts hearts harmonizing together. Except mine. Mine was unheard. Not because I was dead. But not even the best could hear the beat of my heart. I was trained. Many assassins were not taught how to calm/conceal their heart. Only how to hear others. Sure my mother was insane, but atleast she taught me how to not die? That's a plus.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sudden feeling of hundreds of chakra signatures. I looked up to see the giant stone gate of the village that Kuri is the heir to. Everyone else walked in causally besides me. I was stopped by one of the guards. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you are not allowed into this village after the harm you caused to the prince previously." The man said. I looked at him. Fake innocence in my eyes and then smirked. Punching him as hard as I could, without sending him flying, in the face. I stepped through the gate and smiled widely. "Let's just not talk about that. K?" Everyone nodded their head in agreement and Kuri was off somewhere? I don't know. Probably dead. Or in his home. Never know. Seeing a food stand I walked up and ordered whatever seemed edible on the menu. And ate. I can never tell if I'm hungry until I eat. Isn't that fun. After stuffing our faces with food. All decided to trek to the kings mansion  (not a castle. That generic af) and rest there. He'll be cool with it. He doesn't have much choice either, if im honest.

We found ourselves at the mansion gate. Why does everything have a gate? Everyone else was panting like an animal while I beat the button to ring the bell until it broke. I could basically hear the butlers scowl as he said 'come in' unlocking the gate and door. Let's just say people here don't like me. I'm just energetic. And rude. And obnoxious. (wink) Well fuck. I guess they kinda have a reason.

Done. My phone is gonna die and I got bored. I didn't proof read this. I'm sorry. Kinda. Whatever.

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