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[NEW ORLEANS: 1905.]

It was an evening when the Mikaelson family had a family dinner due to Marcel's birthday. Kol was silently eating food that was in front of him and drinking wine, he wasn't at all pleased by tonight's events. So as soon as the dinner was over Kol and Natali left the compound not wanting to attend the party that was made for Marcel.

The two of them went to the French quarter to slaughter some humans, hoping that would help Kol to keep his mind off of tearing Marcel's heart in front of everyone. They certainly didn't want that to happen since Klaus wouldn't waste a second to put Kol in the box again.

Kol tossed another dead body onto the ground, growling angrily, "They never celebrated my birthday. What's so special about him?" He questioned in frustration, knowing that Natali won't have an answer to his question just like he hadn't had one.

Since he met Marcel he hated him. He hated how Klaus and Elijah doted on him as if he were something special when they have another brother. He hated how Marcel managed to make his way into his family without even trying.

Natali really thought that feeding would calm him down but it didn't seem to work for the rage he was feeling. When she was done with her victim she lifted her head up, fangs dripping blood. She looked over at Kol, who was wiping the blood off of his chin, before he continued speaking, "He even goes behind Nik's back with Rebekah."

Natali stepped over several bodies and walked over to Kol. She used her thumb to wipe the rest of the blood off of his chin, licking her fingers afterward.

- "Don't worry, Klaus will get jealous because of Rebekah. You know he likes to be center of everyone's attention and according to what Rebekah told me he killed every man she was with." Natali told him, trying to calm him down.

She put her hand on his cheek and when they looked into each other's eyes she saw that Kol didn't have his playful grin or a smirk, he looked hurt. He was upset because he thought that his siblings care more about Marcel then their own brother. He always felt left out with the three of them and now Marcel took his place in the family. Natali knew that was wrong of them to do, she would feel exactly the same if she had some family left and if the same thing happened to her. Klaus could care for some kid and adopt him so he can take Kol's place in the family while he knew he was keeping his brother, his blood in the box for two century to rot. Sometimes Kol would think they actually care about him, but after this, he was sure they don't.

- "Soon Nik will finally suffer for everything he has done to us." Kol stated, struggling to stay calm.

- Natali smiled at him, "Yes, he will. Nobody hurts us and gets away with it." she assured him and he slightly smiled before leaning closer to her and kissing her forehead. Natali brushed her lips against his. That seemed to quiet his uncontrolled breathing down, his anger switched to lust.

- "They will regret welcoming Marcel and daggering me whenever they want to feel like they have control over us. It doesn't matter if it will be tomorrow, next week or centuries to come, one day we shall make them pay." Kol spoke with some sort of satisfaction.

- "We have eternity after all." Natali says and a moment later she let out a gasp when Kol wrenched her against him, his lips claiming hers a moment later. She smiled against him, easily winning the fight for dominance with a tug on his hair. Her tongue rubbed along his bottom lip, demanding entrance as he playfully denied just to hear her groan in frustration.

When she won the battle she kissed him roughly, her nails scratching at his neck passionately. Kol broke the kiss a few seconds later, his fingers toying with the laces of her dress, now ruined with blood.

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