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After having a fight with Klaus, Rebekah went to see Marcel. One thing lead to another and they slept together. That night reminded her of all those nights when they were together, she was still mad at him because he didn't look for her, but that didn't stop her to stay the night.

Sometime after they both woke up, Marcel suggested to take her to a place she needed to see. He took her to a place that he called The Garden. It was a prison he made where he punished vampires who had broken his rules. His prisoners were either bricked into a wall and buried in cement in the ground and left to desiccate for the duration of their sentences. The only source of light for the prisoners was that little sunlight streamed from the ceiling and the few candles that were lighted by the guards Marcel places to watch over the place.

Marcel lead Rebekah into a garden and gestured his guard to leave them alone.

- "What is this place?" Rebekah asked as she stared around in confusion and mild horror at the heads that popped out of the ground.

- Marcel gestured around at all of them, "This is the Garden. It's where I punish vampires who break my rules." he walked over to a wall and pulled out some rolled up a blueprint, hidden in the small hole, "But, a long time ago, it used to be something else." He unrolled the papers and showed the image to Rebekah, "Go on, tell me what you see."

- Rebekah examined the sketches, "Two stories." she began as she stared at the image of the house that she found beautiful, "Greek columns, wrap-around porch. High ceilings, transom windows.." She sighed as she glanced up at Marcel, "It's lovely. So what?"

- "So, I designed it for you. It was going to be ours." Marcel told her simply and firmly.

At that, Rebekah gulped down the lump that was beginning to grow in her throat at the thought of almost having a good life with a man that loved her as much as she loved him.

- "That.." she cleared her throat as she looked around the place, "This.. was supposed to be our happily-ever-after?"

- "Yours and mine." Marcel replied as he put the blueprints away, "Except you flew the coop with Klaus. I already built the foundation for the place. I halted constructions after you took off. The plan was to wait for you to return." he locked his eyes with Rebekah, "You never did, so, now it's where I bury the people who betray me."

- "You could have come after me!" Rebekah agreed, not wanting to believe that she was the only one at fault for ruining their happiness.

- "You were with Klaus!" Marcel defended himself, "I didn't know where I didn't know if you still wanted to be with me!" He knew that was a poor excuse, but it was the truth, "All you had to do was come home!"

- "It was more complicated than that." Rebekah exclaimed, "Not long after we left here, he put a dagger in my heart and stuck me in a box for NINETY YEARS. He stole a century for me like it was nothing!"

- "That's what he does, Rebekah!" Marcel told her, "Klaus will never be happy. He'll be damned if he lets anyone get something that he can't have!"

- "I know! I've been dancing to this song for a thousand years! All my siblings have." Rebekah spoke, there was a hint of hurt in her tone, "And now instead to dagger him for all that he has done, Kol and Natali decided to team up with him so they can put you down. I believe they are finally out of their minds."

- "Starting right now, you have a choice, between the brother who takes away your happiness whenever he feels like it, and the man who wants to give you anything you ever wanted." Marcel told her.

- The two of them stared at each other for a long moment, before Rebekah shook her head down, "They will kill you in front of my eyes out of spite." she said sadly.

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